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European Union And World Politics

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2019-01-08
  • Publisher: Routledge

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The European Union (EU) is a unique political experiment that challenges many of the prevailing assumptions about world politics. This new book, by one of the leading American scholars on the EU, examines its key role in global politics and how the continued success of European integration means that scholars must rethink international relations theory. Drawing on the author's rich array of theory and empirical research in this area, this book addresses many of the key issues facing the EU. Core subjects covered include: *Theories of European integration *Liberal international relations theory *Constructivism and the EU *Legitimacy in the EU *European integration and national policies *Human rights and international law *Transatlantic relations Andrew Moravcsik has made many seminal contributions to our understanding of the European Union. This is essential new reading for all students and scholars with an interest in the EU,international relations and theories of world politics.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction2. Liberalism and International Relations3. Liberal and International Relations4. A New Statecraft? Supranational Entrepreneurs and International Cooperation5. Explaining the Treaty of Amsterdam6. Contra Constructivism7. Why the European Community Strengthens the State8. in Defence of the Democratic Deficit9. The Origins of Human Rights Regimes10. Arms and Autarky in European History11. Federalism and Peace12. Striking a New Transatlantic Bargain

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