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The European Union and World Politics Consensus and Division

by ;
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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2009-09-15
  • Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
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Divisions in the EU are considered, as well as the conflicts that have arisen from enlargement and foreign policy concerns. Leading specialists on European politics and society reflect on the nature of consensus and competition between elites, and whether the EU may be able to provide a sense of common identity and purpose for its citizens.

Author Biography

ANDREW GAMBLE is Professor of Politics at the University of Cambridge, UK, and a Fellow of Queens’ College. His latest book is The Spectre at the Feast. He is joint editor of The Political Quarterly and a Fellow of the British Academy.
DAVID LANE is Emeritus Reader in Sociology at the University of Cambridge, UK. His has recently completed a Leverhulme Trust research project on the transformation of state socialism. His latest books include Revolution in the Modern World (co-editor with John Foran and Andreja Zivkovic) and The Transformation of State Socialism.

Table of Contents

Introduction; A.Gamble& D.Lane * THE INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT * The United States and the European Union: The End of Hegemony?; A.Gamble * The EU: Divisions and Unity in European External Policies; M.Telò * Russia’s Transformation: The Rise of a World Power?; D.Lane * The Implications of the Rise of China; M.Jacques * DIVISIONS WITHIN EUROPE * Divisions between Elites; G.Lengyel * Divisions between Elites and Citizens; M.Haller * European Elites and the Middle East; R.Hollis * POLITICAL ECONOMY OF EUROPE * Varieties of Capitalism and Europeanization: National Response Strategies Revisited; G.Menz * The Primacy of Domestic Politics; O.Holman * National or European Social Models? Contesting European Welfare Futures; B.Clift * European Economic Policy: Protectionism as an Elite Strategy; V.Phuong Mai Le, P.Minford& E.Nowell * The European Union: A Player in World Energy Politics?; S.Bromley *
WHITHER THE EUROPEAN UNION? * European Elites on the European Union: What Vision for the Future?; V.Schmidt * Towards a European Identity?; M.Guibernau

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