An Inclusive Approach to Early Childhood Education | |
Federal Legislation: Early Intervention and Prevention | |
Inclusive Programs for Young Children | |
Normal and Exceptional Development | |
Developmental Disabilities: Causes and Classifications | |
Sensory Impairments: Hearing & Vision | |
Physical Disabilities and Health Problems | |
Learning and Behavior Disorders | |
Partnership with Families | |
Assessment and the IFSP/IEP Process | |
Characteristics of Effective Teachers in Inclusive Programs | |
The Developmental Behavioral Approach | |
Arranging and the Learning Environment | |
Facilitating Self- Care, Adaptive and Independence Skills | |
Facilitating Social Development | |
Facilitating Speech, Language, and Communication Skills | |
Facilitating Preacademic and Cognitive Learning | |
Managing Challenging Behaviors | |
Planning Transitions to Support Inclusion | |
Appendix A through G | |
Glossary | |
Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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