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Exceptional Children An Introduction to Special Education Plus Revel -- Access Card Package

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  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 11th
  • Format: Paperback w/ Access Card
  • Copyright: 2018-03-01
  • Publisher: Pearson

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An informative, accessible, and interesting introduction to the ongoing story of special education.

Special education is an ongoing story of people–of exceptional children, of the families of children with special needs, and of the teachers who work with them. Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education focuses on 15 experienced teachers to give readers first-person insight into this diverse field. It also details, step-by-step, how special educators use highly effective, research-based practices to promote student achievement in their classrooms. The Eleventh Edition includes new information that reflects the current professional practices, trends, and research that define the exciting and ever-evolving field of special education.


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Author Biography

William L. Heward, Ed.D., BCBA-D, is Professor Emeritus in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University, where he helped train special education teachers for 30 years. Dr. Heward has been a Fulbright Scholar in Portugal and a Visiting Professor of Psychology at Keio University in Tokyo and at the University of São Paulo, and he has lectured and given workshops for teachers in 20 other countries. Among the many honors Bill has received are Ohio State University’s highest recognition of teaching excellence, the Alumni Association’s Distinguished Teaching Award, and the American Psychological Association’s Division 25 Fred S. Keller Behavioral Education Award for lifetime achievements in education. His publications include seven other textbooks and more than 100 journal articles and book chapters. Bill has also written for the popular market. His book Some Are Called Clowns (Crowell, 1974) chronicles his five summers as a pitcher for the Indianapolis Clowns, the last of the barnstorming baseball teams.


Sheila R. Alber-Morgan, Ph.D., BCBA, is Associate Professor of Special Education in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University. Dr. Alber-Morgan taught for seven years in inclusive K–12 classrooms in both urban and rural South Carolina and is now a teacher educator. She has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed research and practitioner articles, book chapters, textbook ancillaries, and the book Using RTI to Teach Literacy to Diverse Learners, K–8: Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom (Corwin Press, 2010). Sheila’s research, almost all of which has been designed and implemented in collaboration with classroom teachers, has focused on literacy interventions for students with and without disabilities and on strategies for promoting the generalization and maintenance of academic, functional, and social skills.


Moira Konrad, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Special Education in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University. Dr. Konrad has nine years of public school experience teaching students with a range of disabilities and has been involved in teacher preparation for more than 15 years. Moira’s publications include more than 40 peer-reviewed articles on instructional efficiency, self-determination, literacy (written expression, reading and writing fluency), and curriculum-based measurement. She currently serves as Managing Editor for Career Development for Exceptional Individuals and Associate Editor for Intervention in School and Clinic and on the Editorial Board for Remedial and Special Education.


Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 The Purpose and Promise of Special Education 
CHAPTER 2 Planning and Providing Special Education Services 
CHAPTER 3 Collaborating with Families 

CHAPTER 4 Intellectual Disabilities 
CHAPTER 5 Learning Disabilities 
CHAPTER 6 Emotional or Behavioral Disorders 
CHAPTER 7 Autism Spectrum Disorder 
CHAPTER 8 Communication Disorders 
CHAPTER 9 Deafness and Hearing Loss 
CHAPTER 10 Blindness and Low Vision 
CHAPTER 11 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Health Impairments,
and Physical Disabilities 
CHAPTER 12 Low-Incidence Disabilities: Multiple Disabilities,
Deaf-Blindness, and Traumatic Brain Injury 
CHAPTER 13 Gifted and Talented 

CHAPTER 14 Early Childhood Special Education 
CHAPTER 15 Transition to Adulthood 
POSTSCRIPT Developing Your Own View of Special Education 

Name Index
Subject Index

Supplemental Materials

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