What is included with this book?
Judy Allen has worked closely with corporate CEOs, CFOs, presidents and their executive staff, in over 30 countries, planning and producing successful corporate and social events for up to 2,000 guests per event. Judy strategically plans, implements and successfully executes programs designed to increase company profits, maximize performance, grow brand awareness and recognition, advance employee learning and stimulate sales through motivation. For over seventeen years, Judy has shown industry leaders how to meet and exceed their company objectives (e.g., sales, marketing, performance, productivity etc.) and ensure they make the return they were looking for on their investment.
Judy is the author of Event Planning (Wiley, 2000), The Business of Event Planning (Wiley, 2002), Event Planning Ethics and Etiquette (Wiley, 2003), Marketing Your Event Planning Business (Wiley, 2004), and Time Management for Event Planners (Wiley 2005). She has written a series of weekly columns on event planning for the New York Post's Page Six.com, and is a frequent contributor to industry publications such as Meetings and Incentives Magazine.
Acknowledgments | |
Preface | |
The Evolution of Business Functions and the Ways They can Be Used to Successfully Drive Business Growth | |
Traditional Business Functions: What They Are and the Returns They Can Bring | |
Advanced Business Functions: What They Are and the Returns they Can Bring | |
How to Qualify Your Company Objectives for a Proposed Business Function | |
Selecting Events to Successfully Meet Specific Company Objectives | |
Traditional Business Functions | |
Advanced Business Functions | |
Taking Stock and Planning Ahead | |
Spending Your Company's Dollars Where They Matter Most | |
Identifying Potential Landmines | |
Protecting Yourself and Your Company from Red-Flag Areas | |
Benefiting from a Competitive Analysis | |
Exceeding Expectations Through Execution | |
Establishing Codes of Conduct and Setting Company Standards | |
Tracking and Analysing Your Results | |
Conclusion | |
Appendix | |
Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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