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Exploring Social Life : Readings to Accompany Essentials of Sociology, a Down-to-Earth Approach

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 5th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2004-01-01
  • Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
  • View Upgraded Edition
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List Price: $24.40


This brief and economical reader, edited by Jim Henslin, is specifically designed to be used as a companion to Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach,Fifth Edition.

Table of Contents

The Sociological Perspective
The Sociological Perspective
Invitation to Sociology
The Fierce People
Anybody's Son Will Do
Social Structure and Social Interaction
Selling Cars
Social Groups and Social Control
Social Groups and Formal Organizations
Just Another Routine Emergency
Deviance and Social Control
Becoming a Prostitute
Social Inequality
Social Stratification in Global Perspective
One World, Ready or Not
Social Class in the United States
The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All
Inequalities of Race and Ethnicity
Invisible Man
Inequalities of Gender and Age
Sick Societies
Social Institutions
Politics and the Economy
The Power Elite
Marriage and Family
When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work
Education and Religion
College Athletes and Role Conflict
Social Change
Population and Urbanization
In the Barrios
Social Change: Technology, Social Movements, and the Environment
When Social Change Comes to Amazon Indians
The Sociology of Human Sexuality
How Many Sexual Partners Do Americans Have?
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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