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The Extraterrestrial Life Debate, Antiquity to 1915

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-10-15
  • Publisher: Univ of Notre Dame Pr

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This book presents key documents from the pre-1915 history of the extraterrestrial life debate. Introductions and commentaries accompany each source document, some of which are published here for the first time or in a new translation. Authors included are Aristotle, Lucretius, Aquinas, Galileo, Kepler, Pascal, Fontenelle, Huygens, Newton, Pope, Voltaire, Kant, Herschel, Paine, Chalmers, Whewell, Darwin, Wallace, Dostoevsky, Lowell, and Antoniadi, among others. Book jacket.

Author Biography

Michael J. Crowe is the Rev. John J. Cavanaugh Professor Emeritus in Humanities in the Program of Liberal Studies and Graduate Program in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Notre Dame

Table of Contents

List of Figuresp. xi
List of Tablesp. xiii
Prefacep. xv
Antiquity to Newton
The Debate in Antiquityp. 3
From Augustine to the Fifteenth Centuryp. 14
From Copernicus to Brunop. 35
Galileo, Kepler, Descartes, and Pascalp. 51
Fontenelle and Huygensp. 72
Newton, Bentley, and Derhamp. 109
The Eighteenth Century
Astronomers and Extraterrestrialsp. 129
Extraterrestrials and the Enlightenmentp. 182
From 1800 to 1860
Intensification of the Debate after 1800p. 233
Before the Whewell Debatep. 297
Whewell's Of the Plurality of Worlds and Responsesp. 333
From 1860 to 1915
New Approaches to an Ancient Questionp. 369
The Late Nineteeth Centuryp. 438
The Controversy over the Canals of Marsp. 470
Conclusionp. 518
The History of Ideas of Extraterrestrial Life Research Programp. 522
Selected Bibliographyp. 526
Permissionsp. 542
Indexp. 544
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