The wolf in Little Red Riding Hood isn't the only one with great big teeth! Poisonous rattlesnakes, viperfish -- even humans -- use fearsome fangs to kill prey, grasp food, and defend themselves. And they're not the only ones!
The wolf in Little Red Riding Hood isn't the only one with great big teeth! Poisonous rattlesnakes, viperfish -- even humans -- use fearsome fangs to kill prey, grasp food, and defend themselves. And they're not the only ones!
7 | (17) | |||
17 | (8) | |||
25 | (8) | |||
33 | (6) | |||
39 | (8) | |||
47 | (5) | |||
Glossary | 52 | (3) | |||
To Find Out More | 55 | (4) | |||
A Note on Sources | 59 | (2) | |||
Index | 61 |
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