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Field Notes A Guided Journal for Doing Anthropology

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Spiral Bound
  • Copyright: 2016-12-20
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Are you looking for more opportunities to integrate active learning into your cultural anthropology courses? Do you believe that anthropological fieldwork skills--listening, asking good questions, and being observant--are useful life skills? This unique book addresses both of these concerns, integrating an introduction to fieldwork methods, guidance, and practice into one book. Field Notes: A Guided Journal for Doing Anthropology provides more than fifty activities to help students learn and practice common ethnographic research techniques, to reflect on their experiences doing these things, and to examine the ethical dimensions of ethnographic research.

As they work through the book, students can fill the journal with lists, field notes, visual materials, and rough writings for use in specific class projects, as a record of skill development, or to think about future work. Each chapter includes four to six guided exercises; some are reflections or thought experiments, while others require students to practice skills by involving themselves directly in their social worlds. In order to cultivate an awareness of research ethics, a number of exercises focus on ethical dilemmas and issues.

Author Biography

Luis A. Vivanco is Professor of Anthropology and Co-Director of the Humanities Center at the University of Vermont.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Anthropology Beyond "Just Go Do It"

Part 1: Preparing for Fieldwork
Chapter 2: Fieldwork: A Concise and Practical Overview
Chapter 3: Fieldwork Values and Ethics

Part 2: Doing Fieldwork
Chapter 4: Note-Taking
Chapter 5: Observing
Chapter 6: Listening
Chapter 7: Asking Questions
Chapter 8: Mapping
Chapter 9: Visualizing
Chapter 10: Experiencing
Chapter 11: Going Digital

Part 3: Working with Fieldwork Data
Chapter 12: Processing Field Notes
Chapter 13: Crafting an Ethnographic Account


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