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Forgotten Churches Exploring England's Hidden Treasures

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2025-03-18
  • Publisher: Frances Lincoln
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Spending his weekends exploring historic churches across the idyllic English countryside – and sharing their beauty and unsung history across social media – Luke Sherlock is bringing English history and the heritage of our rural countryside to a new audience.
England is full of incredible churches, from small stone chapels and quiet Romanesque masterpieces, to thousand-year-old Saxon stalwarts, dramatic Gothic monuments and high Victorian treasures. These special places, often under-celebrated and overlooked, dot the English landscape but collectively tell a remarkable story of our nation.
Travelling everywhere – through Kent marshlands, Norfolk fens, Yorkshire hills and Somerset lanes – Sherlock carefully documents these unique buildings, celebrates their histories and decodes their details and meanings. Bringing together 70 of the most unusual, intriguing and atmospheric churches, Sherlock tells stories of their craftsmanship, the themes of their local communities, their place in the national story, and reveals their often surprising secrets and significance.

Author Biography

I’m Luke Sherlock, writer, pilgrim, and environmentalist with a boundless enthusiasm for heritage and art. There’s little I enjoy more than throwing on a backpack, heading off down some unknown footpath and pausing to explore a hushed, ancient church along the way. My mission is to share these journeys so we can better know, value and care for our historic landmarks and the landscapes they sit within, whilst hopefully inspiring others to find some meaning through their own discoveries.

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