Provides students with a decision-making process for ethical issues.
Now a part of the Core Competencies Series, From the Front Lines: Student Cases in Social Work Ethics, 4/e helps students develop a method of decision-making while providing examples with a number of case studies. Part One teaches readers the rationale for each part of the decision-making process and the tools needed to address it professionally. Part Two encompasses a thorough presentation and consideration of cases that address ethical dilemmas, issues, and problems which occur in social work practice. This text also encourages students to explore their own values and how they are used in everyday life as well as professionally.
Connecting Core Competencies series -- Each chapter highlights the core competencies and practice behavior examples found in the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Critical thinking questions throughout reinforces these connections.
Learning Goals
Upon completing this book, readers will be able to:
- Develop a method for decision making for ethical dilemmas, issues, and problems which occur in social work practice.
- Explore their own values.
- Relate their decision making to real world examples.