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Fundamentals of English Grammar with Essential Online Resources, 4e

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-01-23
  • Publisher: Pearson Education ESL

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Fundamentals of English Grammar with Essential Online Resources, 4e [ISBN: 9780134656571] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Azar, Betty S; Hagen, Stacy A.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


The world's most trusted grammar source for clear, direct, and comprehensive instruction, the Azar-Hagen Grammar Series  – including Fundamentals of English Grammar  for lower-intermediate and intermediate English language learners – blends grammar instruction with communicative methods. Grammar is the springboard for developing all language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. With clear, user-friendly charts and engaging, interactive practice, it's easy to see why this classic series remains the top-selling text in its field year after year.


Clear charts and explanations

  • Examples accompanied by easy-to-understand explanations and minimal terminology.

Direct, in-depth grammar practice

  • Immediate application of grammatical forms and meanings.
  • Variety of exercise types including warm-up, reading, listening, comprehension, completion, interview, and writing.

Comprehensive corpus-informed grammar syllabus

  • Written vs. spoken usage in formal and informal contexts.
  • Teacher's Guide includes step-by-step teaching suggestions for each chart, notes on key grammar structures, and vocabulary and expansion activities.
  • Test Bank offers additional quizzes, chapter tests, mid-term, and final exams, and Chart Book contains the grammar charts.
  • Teachers can use the eText as a classroom presentation tool and the ExamView® software to customize their tests.

New Essential Online Resources include Student Book audio, Student Book answer key, Grammar Coach videos, and self-assessments.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1         Present Time

1-1      Simple present and present progressive

1-2      Forms of the simple present and present progressive

1-3      Frequency adverbs

1-4      Singular/plural

1-5      Spelling of final –s/-es

1-6      Non-action verbs

1-7      Present verbs: short answers to yes/no questions


Chapter 2         Past Time

2-1      Expressing past rime: the simple past

2-2      Spelling of –ing and –ed forms

2-3      The principal parts of a verb

2-4      Common irregular verbs: a reference list

2-5      Regular verbs: pronunciation of –ed endings

2-6      Simple past and past progressive

2-7      Expressing past time: using time clauses

2-8      Expressing past habit: used to


Chapter 3         Future Time

3-1      Expressing future time: be going to and will

3-2      Forms with be going to

3-3      Forms with will

3-4      Certainty about the future

3-5      Be going to vs. will

3-6      Expressing the future in time clauses and if -clauses

3-7      Using the present progressive to express future time

3-8      Using the simple present to express future time

3-9      Immediate future: using be about to

3-10    Parallel verbs


Chapter 4         Present Perfect and the Past Perfect

4-1      Past participle

4-2      Present perfect with since and for

4-3      Negative, question, and short-answer forms

4-4      Present perfect with unspecified time

4-5      Simple past vs. present perfect

4-6      Present perfect progressive

4-7      Present perfect progressive vs. present perfect

4-8      Past perfect


Chapter 5         Asking Questions

5-1      Yes/no questions and short answers

5-2      Yes/no and information questions

5-3      Where, why, when, what time, how come, what…for

5-4      Questions with who, who ( m ) , and what

5-5      Using what + a form of do

5-6      Using which and what kind of

5-7      Using whose

5-8      Using how

5-9      Using how often

5-10    Using how far

5-11    Length of time: it + take and how long

5-12    Spoken and written contractions with question words

5-13    More questions with how

5-14    Using how about and what about

5-15    Tag questions


Chapter 6         Nouns and Pronouns

6-1      Plural forms of nouns

6-2      Pronunciation of final –s/-es

6-3      Subjects, verbs, and objects

6-4      Objects of prepositions

6-5      Prepositions of time

6-6      Word order: place and time

6-7      Subject-verb agreement

6-8      Using adjectives to describe nouns

6-9      Using nouns as adjectives

6-10    Personal pronouns: subjects and objects

6-11    Possessive nouns

6-12    Possessive pronouns and adjectives

6-13    Reflexive nouns

6-14    Singular forms of other : another vs. the other

6-15    Plural forms of other : other ( s ) vs. the other ( s )

6-16    Summary of forms of other


Chapter 7         Modal Auxiliaries

7-1      The form of modal auxiliaires

7-2      Expressing ability: can and could

7-3      Expressing possibility: may, might, and maybe ;

            Expressing permission: may and can

7-4      Using could to express possibility

7-5      Polite questions: may I, could I, can I

7-6      Polite questions: would you, could you, will you, can you

7-7      Expressing advice: should and ought to

7-8      Expressing advice: had better

7-9      Expressing necessity: have to, have got to, must

7-10    Expressing lack of necessity: do not have to;

            Expressing prohibition: must not

7-11    Making logical conclusions: must

7-12    Tag questions with modal auxiliaries

7-13    Giving instructions: imperative questions

7-14    Making suggestions: let’s and why don’t

7-15    Stating preferences: prefer, like … better, would rather


Chapter 8         Connecting Ideas

8-1      Connecting ideas with and

8-2      Connecting ideas with but and or

8-3      Connecting ideas with so

8-4      Using auxiliary verbs with but

8-5      Using and + too, so, either, neither

8-6      Connecting ideas with because

8-7      Connecting ideas with even though/although


Chapter 9         Comparisons

9-1      Making comparisons with as … as

9-2      Comparative and superlative

9-3      Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs

9-4      Completing a comparative

9-5      Modifying a comparative

9-6      Comparisons with less … than and not as … as

9-7      Using more with nouns

9-8      Repeating a comparative

9-9      Using double comparatives

9-10    Using superlatives

9-11    Using the same, similar, different, like, alike


Chapter 10        The Passive

10-1    Active sentences and passive sentences

10-2    Forms of the passive

10-3    Transitive and intransitive verbs

10-4    Using the by -phrase

10-5    Passive modal auxiliaries

10-6    Using past participles as adjectives (non-progressive passive)

10-7    Participial adjectives: -ed vs. -ing

10-8    Get + adjective; get + past participle

10-9    Using be used/accustomed to and get used/accustomed to

10-10  Used to vs. be used to

10-11  Using be supposed to


Chapter 11        Count/Noncount Nouns and Articles

11-1    A vs. an

11-2    Count and noncount nouns

11-3    Noncount nouns

11-4    More noncount nouns

11-5    Using several, a lot of, many/much, and a few/a little

11-6    Nouns that can be count or noncount

11-7    Using units of measure with noncount nouns

11-8    Guidelines for article usage

11-9    Using the or Ø with names

11-10  Capitalization


Chapter 12        Adjective Clauses

12-1    Adjective clauses: introduction

12-2    Using who or that in adjective clauses to describe people

12-3    Using object pronouns in adjective clauses to describe people

12-4    Using pronouns in adjective clauses to describe things

12-5    Singular and plural verbs in adjective clauses

12-6    Using prepositions in adjective clauses

12-7    Using whose in adjective clauses


Chapter 13        Gerunds and Infinitives

13-1    Verb + gerund

13-2    Go + -ing

13-3    Verb + infinitive

13-4    Verb + gerund or infinitive

13-5    Preposition + gerund

13-6    Using by and with to express how something is done

13-7    Using gerunds as subjects; using it + infinitive

13-8    It + infinitive: using for ( someone )

13-9    Expressing purpose with in order to and for

13-10  Using infinitives with too and enough


Chapter 14        Noun Clauses

14-1    Noun clauses: introduction

14-2    Noun clauses that begin with a question word

14-3    Noun clauses that begin with if or whether

14-4    Noun clauses that begin with that

14-5    Other uses of that -clauses

14-6    Substituting so for a that -clause in conversational responses

14-7    Quoted speech

14-8    Quote speech vs. reported speech

14-9    Verb forms in reported speech

14-10  Common reporting verbs: tell, ask, answer/reply



Appendix        Supplementary Grammar Charts


Unit A: A-1  The present perfect vs. the past perfect

                        A-2  The past progressive vs. the past perfect

                        A-3  Still vs. anymore

                        A-4  Additional verbs followed by that -clauses

                        A-5  Additional expressions with be + that -clauses


Unit B: B-1  Phrasal verbs

                        B-2  Phrasal verbs: a reference list


Unit C:            C-1  Preposition combinations: introduction

                        C-2  Preposition combinations: a reference list



Listening Script

Trivia Answers

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