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Fundamentals of Microbiology: Body Systems Edition with Navigate 2 Advantage Access

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Package
  • Copyright: 2016-01-01
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett

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Table of Contents

PartPart 1 Foundations of Microbiology
ChapterChapter 1 Microbiology: Then and Now
ChapterChapter 2 The Chemical Building Blocks of Life
ChapterChapter 3 Concepts and Tools for Studying Microorganisms
ChapterChapter 4 Structure of Bacterial and Archaeal Cells
ChapterChapter 5 Microbial Growth and Nutrition
ChapterChapter 6 Microbial Metabolism
PartPart 2 The Genetics of Microorganisms
ChapterChapter 7 Microbial Genetics
ChapterChapter 8 Gene Transfer, Genetic Engineering, and Genomics
PartPart 3 The Control of Microorganisms
ChapterChapter 9 Control of Microorganisms: Physical and Chemical Methods
ChapterChapter 10 Antimicrobial Drugs and Superbugs
PartPart 4 A Survey of the Microbial World
ChapterChapter 11 Microbial Systematics and the Domains Bacteria and Archaea
ChapterChapter 12 Eukaryotic Microorganisms: The Protists, Fungi, and Helminths
ChapterChapter 13 The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents
PartPart 5 Interactions and Impact of Microorganisms with Humans
ChapterChapter 14 Infection and Disease
ChapterChapter 15 Resistance and the Immune System: Introduction and Innate Immunity
ChapterChapter 16 Resistance and the Immune System: Adaptive Immunity
ChapterChapter 17 Immunity and Serology
ChapterChapter 18 Immune Disorders and AIDS
PartPart 6 Infectious Diseases of Humans
ChapterChapter 19 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Skin and Eyes
ChapterChapter 20 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Respiratory System
ChapterChapter 21 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Digestive System
ChapterChapter 22 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Nervous System
ChapterChapter 23 Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, and Systemic Infectious Diseases
ChapterChapter 24 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Urinary and Reproductive Systems
ChapterChapter 25 Applied and Industrial Microbiology (Available online only)
ChapterChapter 26 Environmental Microbiology (Available online only)

Supplemental Materials

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