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Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice

by ; ; ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-03-22
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
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Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice presents evidence-based perspectives on a broad range of approaches to person-centred practice in healthcare. Featuring contributions from internationally recognised experts in the field, this valuable textbook helps students and staff across healthcare disciplines understand the essential concepts of person-centred practice in various health-related contexts. Using the Person-centred Practice Framework—an innovative theoretical model based on more than two decades of research and practice—students develop a strong understanding of the different components of person-centredness, their connections and interactions, and how they can be implemented to promote positive healthcare experiences for care providers, service-users, and families.

Recognising the dynamic and complex nature of person-centredness, the text emphasises the importance of a common language and a shared understanding of person-centred practice in all areas of healthcare, from hospital and social care systems, to mental health, learning disability, and rehabilitation services. This practical and insightful introduction to the subject:

  • Provides engaging, student-friendly coverage of the central principles and practice of person-centredness within a multi-professional and interdisciplinary context
  • Features cases and examples of person-centred practice in curricula worldwide
  • Includes activities designed to support person-centred practitioner development
  • Discusses the future of person-centred facilitation, learning and practice
  • Offers real-world guidance on providing a holistic approach to developing person-centred relationships that facilitate meaningful connections with others

Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice is an indispensable resource for nursing and allied health professionals, and an important reference work for educators, facilitators, supervisors and healthcare practitioners.

Author Biography

Brendan McCormack is Head of the Division of Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Art Therapies; Associate Director, Centre for Person-centred Practice Research, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland; and Honorary Nurse Consultant, Erskine Care, Scotland. 

Tanya McCance is Mona Grey Professor of Nursing, Institute of Nursing and Health Research, Ulster University, Northern Ireland; Adjunct Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia; and Visiting Professor, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland. 

Cathy Bulley is a Reader in the School of Health Sciences at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland; Co-Director of the Centre for Health, Activity and Rehabilitation Research (CHEARR); and Lead for the Accelerating Scholarship, Innovation and Research Engagement (DPPR-ASPIRE). 

Donna Brown is a Lecturer of Nursing, Postgraduate Tutor for the Institute of Nursing and Health Research, and Course Director for BSc(Hons)/PGDip/MSc Developing Practice in Healthcare Programme, in the School of Nursing, Ulster University, Northern Ireland. 

Ailsa McMillan is a Senior Lecturer of Nursing, Division of Nursing, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland. 

Suzanne Martin is a Professor of Occupational Therapy and Head of School Health Sciences at Ulster University, Northern Ireland. She is a Fellow of the College of Occupational Therapists UK and a panel member for the National Institute for Health Research.   

Table of Contents

Chapter 1:  The Person in Person-centred Practice

Brendan McCormack, Tanya McCance, Jan Dewing

Chapter 2: Person-centredness and Person-centred Practice

Brendan McCormack, Tanya McCance, Suzanne Martin

Chapter 3: The Person-centred Practice Framework

Authors: Tanya McCance & Brendan McCormack

Chapter 4: Donna Brown and Savina Tropea

Chapter 5: Flourishing as Humans

Brendan McCormack, Tanya McCance, Jan Dewing

Chapter 6: Professionalism and practising professionally

Caroline Gibson, Kath MacDonald and Deirdre O’Donnell

Chapter 7: The future Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professional

Chapter 8: Communicating and Relating Effectively

Duncan Pentland, Helen Riddell, Lindsay Regan

Chapter 9: Systems to Support Person-centred decision-making

Amanda Stears and Dawn Jansch

Chapter 10: Connecting with Others

Brighide Lynch, Derek Barron & Lesley McKinlay

Chapter 11:  The Physical Environment.

Authors: Suzanne Martin, Assumpta Ryan, Fiona Maclean

Chapter 12: Working with persons’ beliefs and values

Suzanne Martin, Lisa Luhanga, Catherine Wells.

Chapter 13: Engaging Meaningfully and Effectively

Ailsa Espie, Georgios Tsigkas, Donna Brown

Chapter 14: Sharing in Decisions

Jean Daly Lynn, Assumpta Ryan and Fiona Kelly

Chapter 15: Being Sympathetically Present

Authors: Tanya McCance, Brendan McCormack, Karl Tizzard-Kleister and Lynn Wallace

Chapter 16: Providing Holistic Care

Neal F Cook and Michelle L Elliot

Chapter 17: Socio-political context in Person-centred Practice

Authors: Deborah Baldie, Tanya McCance & Brendan McCormack

Chapter 18: Being person-centred in the acute hospital setting

Christine Boomer, Bill Lawson and Robert Brown

Chapter 19: Person-Centred Rehabilitation

Jackie Gracey and Ailsa McMillan

Chapter 20: Being person-centred in community and ambulatory services

Caroline Dickson & Lorna Peelo-Kilroe

Chapter 21 Experiencing person-centredness in long-term care

Kevin Moore and Fiona Kelly 

Chapter 22: Being person-centred in mental health services

David Banks, Josianne Scerri and Jessica Davidson

Chapter 23: Person-centred support for people with learning disabilities

Owen Barr, Martina Conway and Vidar Melby

Chapter 24: Being Person-centred in Maternity Services

Honor MacGregor & Patricia Gillen

Chapter 25: Being person-centred in children’s services

Ruth Magowan, Brian McGowan

Chapter 26: person-centred when working with people living with long-term conditions

Anne Williams, Suzanne Martin, Vivien Coates

Chapter 27: Palliative and end of life care services

Antonia Lannie,Erna Haraldsdottir,Juliet Spiller

Chapter 28 Being an active learner

Jan Dewing, Brighide Lynch

Chapter 29: Knowing and becoming through reflective learning

Authors: Donna Brown, Kristina Mountain

Ch 30: Becoming a Critical Thinker

Authors: Neal F. Cook, Sonyia McFadden & Lindsey Regan

Chapter 31: Developing and Supporting Practice Educators

Fiona Stuart, Lucia Ramsey, Jacinta Lynch

Ch 32: Being curious through research and knowledge exchange

Cathy Bulley, Margaret Smith, Alison Williams

Chapter 33: Being a Lifelong Learner

Lindesay Irvine, Patricia Gillen, Owen Barr

Chapter 34:  The Future of Person-centred Practice - a call to action!

Brendan McCormack, Tanya McCance, Donna Brown, Cathy Bulley, Ailsa McMillan, Suzanne Martin

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