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Genetics and Genomics in Nursing and Health Care (w/ eBook & Online Resources)

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback w/ Access Code
  • Copyright: 2018-01-25
  • Publisher: F.A. Davis Company

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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


Awarded second place in the 2018 AJN Book of the Year Award in the Advanced Practice Nursing category

Awarded third place in the 2018 AJN Book of the Year Award in the Maternal-Child Health/Prenatal Nursing/Childbirth category

Complex concepts made manageable!
Build the foundation you need to understand the science of genetics and its growing role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders.

Confidently tackle the basics of genetic inheritance, the influence of somatic and germline mutations, the multifactorial relationship of gene-environment interactions, and the foundation of ethical behavior. Everyday language makes these often-intimidating topics easy to understand, while clearly defined principles, logical explanations, illustrations, tables, and clinical examples ensure you master the material.

See what students are saying online about the previous edition….

Genetics simplified and easy to understand.Genetics simplified and easy to understand. Wish I had this when learning DNA replication in Microbiology. Lot of good charts. I plan to keep even after the class because it's interesting and easy to understand.”—Katalina Cade

Great resource! This is a complex subject and this book makes it so much easier to learn and understand! I love the "memory hints" it gives you throughout the book.”—Kira Short

Table of Contents

I. Basic Concepts from Molecular Genetics
1. DNA Structure and Function
2. Protein Synthesis
3. Genetic Influences on Cell Division, Cell Differentiation, and Gametogenesis

II. Gene Expression
4. Patterns of Inheritance
5. Epigenetic Influences on Gene Expression (NEW)
6. Autosomal Inheritance and Disorders (NEW)
7. Sex Chromosome and Mitochondrial Inheritance and Disorders
8. Family History and Pedigree Construction
9. Congenital Anomalies, Basic Dysmorphology, and Genetic Assessment

III. Genomic Health Problems Across the Life Span
10. Enzyme and Collagen Disorders
11. Common Childhood-Onset Genetic Disorders
12. Common Adult-Onset Genetic Disorders

IV. Genomic Influences on Selected Common Health Problems
13. Cardiovascular Disorders
14. The Genetics of Cancer
15. Genetic Contributions to Psychiatric and Behavioral Disorders

V. Genomics and Disease Management
16. Genetic and Genomic Testing
17. Assessing Genomic Variation in Drug Response
18. Health Professionals and Genomic Care

VI. Global Genomic Issues
19. Financial, Ethical, Legal, and Social Considerations
20. Genetic and Genomic Variation

A. Genetic Organizations and Support Groups
B. Selected Educational Websites

Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?

The New copy of this book will include any supplemental materials advertised. Please check the title of the book to determine if it should include any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

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