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A Genie's Wisdom A Fable of How a CEO Learned to Be a Marketing Genius

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2002-11-11
  • Publisher: Wiley

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A compelling fable that distills the essence of genius marketing strategies The "King of Positioning" Jack Trout presents the story of PJ Bigdome, a newly appointed CEO looking for a new way to successfully learn about marketing. Luckily, within his PC lurks a genie with vast experience in the particulars of marketing (having helped out with some of the biggest marketing successes ever). As Bigdome finds answers to his most important questions, the reader learns the secrets of successful marketing, such as: the essence of marketing; how much stock to put into research; how to evaluate advertising; how to allocate budgets; and much more. A Genie's Wisdom allows Trout, a famed business visionary, to distill his years of management and marketing experience into an entertaining and educational yarn that reveals today's essential practices.

Author Biography

JACK TROUT is President of Trout & Partners, one of the most prestigious marketing firms in the United States, with offices in thirteen countries. Recognized as a top marketing guru, Trout popularized the idea of "positioning" products in the minds of customers. He is the author of numerous books on the art of marketing, including Differentiate or Die: Survival in Our Era of Killer Competition and Big Brands, Big Trouble: Lessons Learned the Hard Way, both from Wiley.

Table of Contents

The Story Behind the Fable.
Chapter 1. The Arrival.
Chapter 2. What Is the Essence of Marketing?
Chapter 3. What's Branding All About?
Chapter 4. What Should Be My Product Strategy?
Chapter 5. How Do I Get My Pricing Right?
Chapter 6. Are There Limits to Growth?
Chapter 7. What Is Good Research?
Chapter 8. How Do I Evaluate Advertising?
Chapter 9. How Do I Pick the Right Medium?
Chapter 10. How Important Are Logos?
Chapter 11. What Mistakes Are Made Most Often?

Supplemental Materials

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