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The Global Community: An Alternative

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-12-07
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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The Global Community an alternative is a reflection of author's encounters of the past and the present. He is of the view that the greed and unresponsive designs of the owners of capital are taking the globe to a precipice of an avoidable disaster. His alternative is not a violent revolution or mass uprising, but an intelligent and judicial circumventing in the form of the creation of a global community. He gives the contours of such an alternative and hopes that the youth who are most important stake holders will develop and practice it at various levels. The aim of book is to make the reader aware that two of the major factors expected to nurture and preserve life, peace and happiness namely religion and science are being hijacked by the forces of greed and unresponsive designs. Three important phenomenon of the present times economic inequality, climate changes and nuclear wars are taking us to the precipice of an avoidable disaster. This book is attempting to reach the conscience of youth and students, who have already shown signs of massive response to each of these issues.

Author Biography

Dr. Philip P. Joseph (Philip P.J.) obtained his post-graduate degree from Indore University (DAVV), and M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Kerala University. He joined as a Lecturer in Economics at St. Thomas College, Kozhencherry, Kerala, and became its Professor and Principal. Dr. Philip P.J. was chosen as national Associate of the University Grants Commission and served three terms in the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla. He was the Chairman of the Board of Studies of both undergraduate and graduate courses. He was Senate Member of the University for two terms and Academic Council member from the Principal's constituency. He also participated in a Colloquium on Agrarian Studies held at Yale University in September and October of 1996.
Dr. Philip P. J. has travelled extensively both within and outside India. Dr. Philip P. J. is an Associate Faculty of Vichara, a non-governmental organization which has been organizing seminars and workshops on various social science topics in different parts of India. He has published Papers and articles in periodicals for the last forty years. His three books namely Economics Capitalism and alternative Systems (2007), Globalization, Plunder of Land human resources (2008), Global Economic Crisis: End of Growth Paradigms? (2009-Jointly published with two other scholars) and a fourth book: Issues of Globalization (in Malayalam) deal mainly with economic inequalities and plunder of resources.

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