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Global Energy Innovation : Why America Must Lead

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2011-11-30
  • Publisher: Greenwood Pub Group
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List Price: $41.00


America is trailing other parts of the developed world in terms of its development ofand commitment torenewable energy. In Europe and Asia, sustainable communities, smart green grids, and emerging environmentally sound technologies are becoming common. The United States must move beyond the lethargy and defeatism of the 9/11 era, rediscover its ability to lead in technological inventiveness, and revitalize its economy via the creation of green jobs and sustainable, carbon-neutral communities. Because the lives of America's children and grandchildren are at stake, America must act quickly. Global Energy Innovation: Why America Must Lead explains why the emerging Third Industrial Revolution will become the largest social and economic megatrend of the post-modern era. With its comprehensive, up-to-date examination of renewable energy systems and related green technologies, this book represents a call-to-action that will benefit any reader, regardless of their status as a lay person, scholar, or scientist.

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