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Globalization and Armed Conflict

by ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2003-06-11
  • Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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Globalization and Armed Conflict addresses one of the most important and controversial issues of our time: Does global economic integration foster or suppress violent disputes within and among states? Here, cutting-edge research by leading figures in international relations shows that expanding commercial ties between states pacifies some, but not necessarily all, political relationships. The authors demonstrate that the pacific effect of economic integration hinges on democratic structures, the size of the global system, the nature of the trade goods, and a reduced influence of the military on political decisions. In sum, this book demonstrates how important the still fragile capitalist peace is.

Table of Contents

List of Figures and Tablesp. vii
Prefacep. xi
Competing Models of the Peace-Through-Globalization Hypothesis
Does Globalization Contribute to Peace? A Critical Survey of the Literaturep. 3
Multilateral Interactions in the Trade-Conflict Modelp. 31
When Do Relative Gains Impede Trade?p. 49
Extending the Multicountry Model of Trade and Conflictp. 77
The Domestic Roots of Commercial Liberalism: A Sector-Specific Approachp. 103
How Globalization Can Reduce International Conflictp. 123
Empirical Contributions
Assessing the Liberal Peace with Alternative Specifications: Trade Still Reduces Conflictp. 143
Modeling Dynamics in the Study of Conflict: A Comment on Oneal and Russettp. 165
Modeling Conflict While Studying Dynamics: A Response to Nathaniel Beckp. 179
The Trade and Conflict Debate: Exploring the Frontierp. 189
Development and the Liberal Peace: What Does It Take to Be a Trading State?p. 205
Institutions, Interdependence, and International Conflictp. 233
Globalization and Internal Conflictp. 251
The Trade-Disruption Hypothesis and the Liberal Economic Theory of Peacep. 277
Does War Disrupt Trade?p. 299
Globalization: Creative Destruction and the Prospect of a Capitalist Peacep. 311
Referencesp. 325
Indexp. 353
About the Contributorsp. 363
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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