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Globalization and Diversity Geography of a Changing World

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 6th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2019-01-25
  • Publisher: Pearson

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For courses in world regional geography.


Empower students to address global issues

Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World incorporates a contemporary, thematic approach to introduce the latest ideas and concepts in world regional geography. The text provides students with the core materials for developing a strong foundation in the fundamentals of world regions and a strong sense of place for an understanding of the connections within and between world regions. With a focus on the environment and globalization, the text’s arresting visual layout and updated content combine to give students an accurate portrayal of the world’s evolving regional landscapes.


The 6th Edition encourages students to explore the sights, sounds, and tastes of world regions with embedded links to interactive, digital resources that offer insight into world regional geography through explorations of space, language, music, and cooking traditions. The new edition also shows how geographic tools improve the human condition when facing timely challenges such as natural disasters, disease outbreaks, crisis and humanitarian mapping, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Deeper mobile integration enables instructors to use web maps, video tours, and geoscience animations to enhance students’ virtual, active learning experience.

Also available as a Pearson eText or packaged with Mastering Geography:

Pearson eText is a simple-to-use, mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience that can be adopted on its own as the main course material. It lets students highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place, even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Educators can easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class – motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning.

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By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.Built for, and directly tied to the text, Mastering Geography enables students to get hands on with geospatial tools and activities to practice, learn, and apply geography outside of the classroom.


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Author Biography

Marie Price is a Professor of Geography and International Affairs at George Washington University. A Latin American specialist, Dr. Price has conducted research in Belize, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, Cuba, and Bolivia. She has also traveled widely throughout Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Her studies have explored human migration, natural resource use, environmental conservation, and sustainability. She is President of the American Geographical Society and a nonresident fellow of the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank that focuses on migration issues. Dr. Price brings to Globalization and Diversity a special interest in regions as dynamic spatial constructs that are shaped over time through both global and local forces. Her publications include the co-edited book Migrants to the Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateway Cities (2008) and numerous academic articles and book chapters.


Les Rowntree is currently a Research Associate at the University of California, Berkeley, where he writes about global and local environmental issues. This career change comes after 35 years teaching both Geography and Environmental Studies at San Jose State University. As an environmental geographer, Dr. Rowntree’s interests focus on international environmental issues, biodiversity conservation, and climatic change. He sees world regional geography as way to engage and inform students by providing them with the conceptual tools to critically and constructively assess the contemporary world. His current writing projects include a natural history book and website about California’s Coast Ranges, and several essays on different European environmental topics. Along with these writings he maintains an assortment of web-based blogs and websites.

Martin Lewis is a Senior Lecturer in History at Stanford University, where he teaches courses on global geography. He has conducted extensive research on environmental geography in the Philippines and on the intellectual history of world geography. His publications include Wagering the Land: Ritual, Capital, and Environmental Degradation in the Cordillera of Northern Luzon, 1900—1986 (1992), and, with Karen Wigen, The Myth of Continents: A Critique of Metageography (1997). Dr. Lewis has traveled extensively in East, South, and Southeastern Asia. His most recent book, co-written with Asya Pereltsvaig, is The Indo-European Controversy: Facts and Fallacies in Historical Linguistics (2015). In April 2009, Dr. Lewis was recognized by Time magazine as one of American’s most favorite lecturers.


William Wyckoff is a geographer in the Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University specializing in the cultural and historical geography of North America. He has written and co-edited several books on North American settlement geography, including The Developer’s Frontier: The Making of the Western New York Landscape (1988), The Mountainous West: Explorations in Historical Geography (1995) (with Lary M. Dilsaver), Creating Colorado: The Making of a Western American Landscape 1860—1940 (1999), and On the Road Again: Montana’s Changing Landscape (2006). His most recent book, entitled How to Read the American West: A Field Guide, appeared in the Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books series and was published in 2014 by the University of Washington Press. A World Regional Geography instructor for 26 years, Dr. Wyckoff emphasizes in the classroom the connections between the everyday lives of his students and the larger global geographies that surround them and increasingly shape their future.


Wesley Reisser is an adjunct professor of Geography at the George Washington University specializing in political geography and energy. Since 2003, Dr. Reisser has served at the U.S. Department of State in a variety of positions working on human rights, the United Nations, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and responding to crisis situations abroad. Dr. Reisser’s first book, The Black Book: Woodrow Wilson’s Secret Plan for Peace, is the only comprehensive analysis of the maps and plans used by the United States at the end of World War I. His second book, written with his brother Colin, is Energy Resources: From Science to Society, the first interdisciplinary textbook on global energy issues. Dr. Reisser is a Councilor of the American Geographical Society, the founding Artistic Director of Washington, DC’s central and eastern European Carpathia Folk Dance Ensemble, and is the 2007 World Geography Bowl MVP.

Table of Contents

1. Geography of a Changing World

2. Physical Geography and the Environment

3. North America

4. Latin America

5. The Caribbean

6. Sub-Saharan Africa

7. Southwest Asia and North Africa

8. Europe

9. Eurasia

10. Central Asia

11. East Asia

12. South Asia

13. Southeast Asia

14. Oceania

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