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Go Start Something: Live Life on the Edge : 50 Rules for the Entrepreneur

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2012-02-03
  • Publisher: Author Solutions
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There are never any shortcuts to success, but it is possible to follow the paths of those who have blazed a trail in their own fields of endeavor. Jan has created great success in the area of entrepreneurship. If you wish to become an entrepreneur, you will find much in the pages of Jan's "Go Start Something" that will guide you to success. However, anyone can benefit from these 18 chapters of experience and learn from the examples Jan describes. I believe the stories of succeeding against great odds, sacrificing personal comfort to put everything into your business, living according to your vision, putting in a full day's work day in and day out, and enjoying your life every moment can provide great inspiration. One of the most powerful forces in the world is the will of men and women who believe in themselves, who dare to hope and aim high, who go confidently after the things they want from life. Jan went after his dream and accomplished it, you can also achieve great success if you follow his Rules for Entrepreneurship. Go Start Something. PROFESSOR JIM GIBBONS, PHD, Northwood University

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