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God's Battalions

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-11-09
  • Publisher: Harperone

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The truth about the Christian Crusades and Muslim Jihad.

Author Biography

Rodney Stark is the Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences at Baylor University. His twenty-seven books on the history and sociology of religion include The Rise of Christianity, Cities of God, and Discovering God, which won the 2008 Award of Merit for Theology/Ethics from Christianity Today. Visit the author online at www.rodneystark.com

Table of Contents

Introduction: Greedy Barbarians in Armor?p. 1
Muslim Invadersp. 11
Christendom Strikes Backp. 35
Western ôIgnoranceö Versus Eastern ôCultureöp. 55
Pilgrimage and Persecutionp. 77
Enlisting Crusadersp. 99
Going Eastp. 119
Bloody Victoriesp. 141
The Crusader Kingdomsp. 163
The Struggle to Defend the Kingdomsp. 183
Crusades Against Egyptp. 219
Conclusion Mission Abandonedp. 237
Bibliographyp. 249
Notesp. 261
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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