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The Gospel for Disordered Lives An Introduction to Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2021-10-01
  • Publisher: B&H Academic

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The gospel of Jesus Christ—the heartbeat of the Bible—brings life-changing hope and power to real people with real problems. Inspired by that conviction, The Gospel for Disordered Lives provides an introductory guide to the theory and practice of Christ-centered biblical counseling. Intended to serve as a foundational textbook for students in Christian colleges, universities, seminaries, and graduate schools, the book also provides a useful overview that working counselors can reference in their ministry contexts. Additionally, it can serve pastors and current counseling practitioners as a helpful refresher and a resource for common counseling problems.  

Author Biography

Robert D. Jones (DTheol, University of South Africa) is associate professor of biblical counseling at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Kristin L. Kellen (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of biblical counseling at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Rob Green (PhD, Baptist Bible Seminary) is pastor of counseling and seminary ministries at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries and Faith Church, Lafayette, IN. 

Table of Contents


Part One: An Overview of Biblical Counseling
Chapter 1 What Is Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling? 
Chapter 2 Who Can and Should Do Biblical Counseling? 

Part Two: Theological Foundations for Biblical Counseling
Chapter 3 The Bible and Epistemology 
Chapter 4 The Significance of God, Christ, and the Spirit 
Chapter 5 Anthropology: How Should We View People? 
Chapter 6 Disorders: Sin as the Ultimate Problem 
Chapter 7 Understanding Guilt, Repentance, and Forgiveness 
Chapter 8 Battling Satan and His Demons 
Chapter 9 Interacting with Alternative Counseling Models

Part Three: The Process and Methods of Biblical Counseling
Chapter 10 An Overview of the Change Process 
Chapter 11 The Role of the Counselor 
Chapter 12 Preparing to Counsel and Leading a First Session 
Chapter 13 The Counseling Process, Step One: Enter Their World 
Chapter 14 The Counseling Process, Step Two: Understand Their Needs 
Chapter 15 The Counseling Process, Step Three: Bring Them Christ and His Answers 
Chapter 16 Giving Hope to Those We Counsel 
Chapter 17 Using Growth Assignments in Counseling 
Chapter 18 Concluding a Counseling Case 
Chapter 19 Counseling Non-Christians 
Chapter 20 Ethical and Legal Issues 

Part Four: Common Individual Problems and Procedures
Chapter 21 Anger, Resentment, and Bitterness 
Chapter 22 Worry, Anxiety, and Fear 
Chapter 23 Fear of People, Social Anxiety, and Human Rejection 
Chapter 24 Sadness and Depression 
Chapter 25 Infertility and Pregnancy Loss 
Chapter 26 Suicide and Self-Harm
Chapter 27 Addictions and Enslaving Sins 
Chapter 28 Eating Disorders 
Chapter 29 Grief 
Chapter 30 Trauma and Abuse 
Chapter 31 Pornography and Masturbation 
Chapter 32 Same-Sex Attraction and Gender Dysphoria 
Chapter 33 Sexual Abuse and Assault 
Chapter 34 Guidance and Decision-Making 
Chapter 35 Physical Diseases, Injuries, and Disabilities 
Chapter 36 Medical Care, Medical Referrals, and Psychotropic Medications 

Part Five: Counseling Specific Age Groups
Chapter 37 Counseling Children 
Chapter 38 Counseling Teenagers 
Chapter 39 Counseling Middle-Aged Adults 
Chapter 40 Counseling Older Adults 

Appendix: Recommended Resources on Suffering 

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