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Harlan's Crops and Man People, Plants and Their Domestication

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2021-04-20
  • Publisher: ACSESS
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A scientific and historical study of crops and their age-old relationship with human civilization

The cultivation and harvesting of crops have been at the heart of human culture and development for thousands of years. As we have grown from hunter-gatherers into agrarian societies and industrial economies, our ongoing relationship with the plants that feed us and support our manufacturing has also evolved. So too, of course, have those plants themselves, with the combined forces of shifting climates, selective plant breeding, and genetic modification all working to alter their existence in profound and fascinating ways.

Coming some 30 years after its previous incarnation, the third edition of Harlan’s Crops and Man marks an exciting re-examination of this rich topic. Its chapters lay out the foundations of crop diversity as we know it, covering topics that range from taxonomy and domestication to the origins of agricultural practices and their possible futures. Highlights include:

  • Archeological and anthropological studies of agriculture’s history and development
  • Detailed examinations of the histories and classifications of both crops and weeds
  • Explanations of taxonomic systems, gene pools, and plant evolution
  • Studies of specific crops by geographical region


Updated to include the latest data and research available, this new edition of Harlan’s Crops and Man offers an illuminating exploration of agricultural history to all those engaged with plant science and the cultivation of crops.

Author Biography

H. Thomas Stalker, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA

Marilyn L. Warburton, USDA ARS Corn Host Plant Resistance Research Unit, Mississippi State University, MS, USA

Jack R. Harlan [deceased], Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Prologue the Golden Age

Chapter 2 Views on Agricultural Origins

Chapter 3 What is a Crop?

Chapter 4 What is a Weed?

Chapter 5 Classification of Cultivated Plants

Chapter 6 The Dynamics of Domestication

Chapter 7 Space, Time, and Variation

Chapter 8 The Near East

Chapter 9  Indigenous African Agriculture

Chapter 10 The Far East

Chapter 11 The Americas

Chapter 12 Epilogue: Who’s In Charge Here?

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