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The Healing of America

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-08-31
  • Publisher: Penguin Group USA

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Supplemental Materials

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Important and powerful...a rich tour of health care around the world." -Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times

How is it that all other industrialized democracies provide health care for their citizens as a reasonable cost-something the United States has never managed to do? In The Healing of America, New York Times bestselling author T.S. Reid shows how they do it, bringing to bear his talent for explaining complex issues in a clear, engaging way.

In `The Healing of America' TR Reid gives a tutorial on the basic types of health care systems in place around the world, and then tries to give an evenhanded analysis of what works in these systems and what doesn't. T.R. Reid travels to several representative countries and explains from both a patient and a provider perspective how health care is actually delivered in those nations.

In his global quest to find a prescription for American health care,


finds that it's not all "socialized medicine" out there. Instead, many industrialized democracies rely on free-market models the U.S. could use to cure a health system that has failed us.

Author Biography

T.R. Reid is a longtime correspondent for The Washington Post and former chief of its Tokyo and London bureaus, as well as a commentator for National Public Radio. His books include The United States of Europe, The Chip and Confucius Lives Next Door. He lives in Denver, Colorado.

Table of Contents

Prologue: A Moral Questionp. 1
A Quest For Two Curesp. 5
Different Models, Common Principlesp. 16
The Paradoxp. 28
France: The Vital Cardp. 46
Germany: "Applied Christianity"p. 66
Japan: Bismarck on Ricep. 82
The UK: Universal Coverage, No Billsp. 104
Canada: "Sorry to Keep you Waiting"p. 126
Out of Pocketp. 143
Too Big to Change?p. 163
An Apple a Dayp. 186
The First Questionp. 205
Major Surgeryp. 226
An Afterword: "Obamacare" Explainedp. 244
Appendix: The Best Health Care System in the Worldp. 252
A Note of Thanksp. 269
Notesp. 273
Indexp. 281
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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