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History of American Political Thought

by ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2003-06-24
  • Publisher: Lexington Books
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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


This book is a collection of secondary essays on America's most important philosophic thinkers--statesmen, judges, writers, educators, and activists--from the colonial period to the present. Each essay is a comprehensive introduction to the thought of a noted American on the fundamental meaning of the American regime.

Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgments
Introduction: Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in Americap. 1
From Colony to Nation (1608-1776)
John Winthrop, John Cotton, and Nathaniel Niles: The Basic Principles of Puritan Political Thoughtp. 25
Thomas Hutchinson and James Otis on Sovereignty, Obedience, and Rebellionp. 44
Thomas Paine: The American Radicalp. 63
Benjamin Franklin: A Model American and an American Modelp. 80
The New Republic (1776-1820)
Liberty, Constitutionalism, and Moderation: The Political Thought of George Washingtonp. 95
John Adams and the Republic of Lawsp. 114
Legitimate Government, Religion, and Education: The Political Philosophy of Thomas Jeffersonp. 132
The Political Science of James Madisonp. 149
Alexander Hamilton on the Strategy of American Free Governmentp. 167
America's Modernity: James Wilson on Natural Law and Natural Rightsp. 192
Anti-Federalist Political Thought: Brutus and The Federal Farmerp. 216
The New Constitutionalism of Publiusp. 230
Union, Constitutionalism, and the Judicial Defense of Rights: John Marshallp. 248
A Divided Nation (1820-1865)
John Quincy Adams on Principle and Practicep. 271
Union and Liberty: The Political Thought of Daniel Websterp. 287
Henry Clay and the Statesmanship of Compromisep. 302
John C. Calhoun and the Reexamination of American Democracyp. 316
The Art of the Judge: Justice Joseph Story and the Founders' Constitutionp. 325
James Fenimore Cooper: Nature and Nature's Godp. 342
Religion, Nature, and Disobedience in the Thought of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreaup. 355
"Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land": Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and the Abolition of Slaveryp. 376
Abraham Lincoln: The Moderation of a Democratic Statesmanp. 395
Growth of an Empire (1865-1945)
Feminism as an American Project: The Political Thought of Elizabeth Cady Stantonp. 419
Mark Twain on the American Characterp. 430
Pricking the Bubble of Utopian Sentiment: The Political Thought of William Graham Sumnerp. 451
Booker T. Washington and the "Severe American Crucible"p. 464
Co-workers in the Kingdom of Culture: W. E. B. Du Bois's Vision of Race Synthesisp. 479
Henry Adams and Our Ancient Faithp. 491
Jane Addams as Civic Theorist: Struggling to Reconcile Competing Claimsp. 504
Herbert Croly's Progressive "Liberalism"p. 521
Theodore Roosevelt and the Stewardship of the American Presidencyp. 536
Woodrow Wilson, the Organic State, and American Republicanismp. 549
The Making of the Modern Supreme Court: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and Louis D. Brandeisp. 569
John Dewey's Alternative Liberalismp. 585
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Second Bill of Rightsp. 598
New Challenges at Home and Abroad (1945-present)
Ayn Rand: Radical for Capitalismp. 617
Walker Percy's American Thomismp. 633
Russell Kirk's Anglo-American Conservatismp. 646
The Two Revolutions of Martin Luther King, Jr.p. 666
Malcolm X: From Apolitical Acolyte to Political Preacherp. 687
Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem: The Popular Transformation of American Feminism in the Late Twentieth Centuryp. 697
John Rawls's "Democratic" Theory of Justicep. 713
Henry Kissinger: The Challenge of Statesmanship in Liberal Democracyp. 733
Irving Kristol and the Reinvigoration of Bourgeois Republicanismp. 754
The Jurisprudence of William Joseph Brennan, Jr., and Thurgood Marshallp. 772
The Textualist Jurisprudence of Antonin Scaliap. 787
Indexp. 805
About the Editors and Contributorsp. 825
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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