The Mountain Laurel Autoharp Gathering (MLAG) began 32 years ago on George Orthey's farm in Newport, Pennsylvania, as a get-together of people who owned one of George's custom autoharps. Over the decades (and three sites), MLAG has grown to attract the finest autoharp players and performers. It is a place to share information and techniques, learn new songs, get your instrument repaired, try out a new 'harp, perform before the most-appreciative audience that an autoharp player is likely to find anywhere, gain the accolades of ones peers, and generally bask in the glow of our extended 'autoharp family'.
This author has had the pleasure of attending MLAG every year since 1993. This book was a labor-of-love to recall and document the events and stories of all those past MLAGs. The recollections and memories (and photographs) of many people are contained in this book.