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Human Biology : Laboratory Manual

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 10th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-04-30
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math
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List Price: $90.75


TheLaboratory Manual to accompany Sylvia Mader's Human Biologyreflects all of the exceptional features of the Human Biology text. Instructors appreciate the refined exercises that are so numerous you won't need to look anywhere else for student activities. Author Sylvia Mader's writing in the laboratory manual, just as in the text, emphasizes clarity, with carefully worded study questions that are direct in their intent and purpose.The lab manual's accessible writing accompanies unparalleled illustrations to provide students with clear exercises and questions. The visuals have been updated to be even easier for students--both majors and non-majors--to comprehend. The dramatic illustrations and photographs not only help students understand concepts and process, but also give them an appreciation for the beauty of organisms and biological structure.McGraw-Hill'sBiology Digitized Video Clipson the accompanying DVD will capture students' interest while illustrating key biological concepts and processes.

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