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Human Geography Places and Regions in Global Context

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 7th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2015-01-08
  • Publisher: Pearson

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For courses in Human Geography.


A distinctly modern look at human geography

Described as “fresh, innovative, and intelligent,” Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context is acclaimed for its global approach, conceptual rigor, engaging real-world applications, and outstanding visual program. Knox and Marston foster awareness of current issues and developing trends from a geographic perspective, and provide a solid foundation in the fundamentals of human geography.

The authors integrate compelling local, regional, and global viewpoints to give meaning to people and places. By providing access to the latest ideas, concepts, and theories, the text deepens students’ understanding of the interdependence of places and regions in a globalizing world. The Seventh Edition extends Knox/Marston’s modern approach, integrating new technology as well as new visual and thematic features relevant to human geography today.

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Author Biography

Paul Knox received his Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Sheffield, England. After teaching in the United Kingdom for several years, he moved to the United States to take a position as professor of urban affairs and planning at Virginia Tech. His teaching centers on urban and regional development, with an emphasis on comparative study. He has written several books on aspects of economic geography, social geography, and urbanization, and he serves on the editorial board of several scientific journals. In 1996 he was appointed to the position of University Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech, where he currently serves as Senior Fellow for International Advancement, and International Director of the Metropolitan Institute. Paul is the author or co-author of numerous books, including Pearson’s Urbanization 3rd edition and World Regions in Global Context.


Sallie Marston received her Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Colorado, Boulder. She has been a faculty member at the University of Arizona since 1986. Her teaching focuses on the political and cultural aspects of social life, with particular emphasis on sociospatial theory. She is the recipient of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award. Her teaching focuses on culture, politics, globalization, and methods. She is the author of over 70 journal articles, book chapters, and books and serves on the editorial board of several scientific journals. She is currently a professor in the School of Geography and Development at the University of Arizona. Sallie and Paul is coauthor Pearson’s introductory world regional geography textbook, World Regions in Global Context. In 2013 the Association of American Geographers recognized Sallie with a lifetime achievement award.

Table of Contents

1. Geography Matters

2. The Changing Global Context

3. Geographies of Population and Migration

4. People and Nature

5. Cultural Geographies

6. Language, Communication, and Belief

7. Interpreting Places and Landscapes

8. Geographies of Economic Development

9. Geographies of Food and Agriculture

10. Political Geographies

11. Urbanization and the Global Urban System

12. City Spaces: Urban Structure


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