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The Ideal Sponger Life 7

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2020-12-08
  • Publisher: Seven Seas Entertainment Llc

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AGGRESSIVE NEGOTIATIONS Zenjiro finds himself alone in the city of Valentia, serving both as representative of the queen and special envoy to the visiting Princess Freya. Negotiations on an important trade deal have barely begun when alarm bells ring out across the city, warning of an impending attack. The swarm of wyverns that General Pujol had been tasked with defeating suddenly appears at Valentia! In his haste to gather the troops, Zenjiro just might make a terrible mistake...!

Author Biography

Tsunehiko Watanabe is a Japanese author best known for The Ideal Sponger Life. Neko Hinotsuki is a Japanese manga artist best known for the manga adaptation of The Ideal Sponger Life.

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