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IEPs: Guide to Writing Individualized Education Programs

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-04-27
  • Publisher: PEARSON
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IEPs: Guide to Writing Individualized Education Programs includes step-by-step instructions backed by examples, practice, and feedback to help you gain the critical skills and knowledge you need to write effective IEPs that meet the legal requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) of 2004 and align with the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act.

Author Biography

Gordon S. Gibb, PhD, taught students with disabilities in the public schools for 16 years prior to his appointment at Brigham Young University in 1995. Dr. Gibb prepared teacher candidates to work with students with mild/moderate disabilities and conducted instructional improvement activities in schools and college. His research centers on cultural models for understanding disability and on effective instruction for individuals with disabilities at several levels. Dr. Gibb likes teaching, woodworking, family history, grandchildren, and the outdoors. He retired in 2019.

Tina Taylor, EdD, is a professor and associate dean in the McKay School of Education at Brigham Young University. Dr. Taylor has worked with individuals with significant disabilities and their families for over 30 years as a special educator and professor. Her service and research interests include adaptation of families raising children with disabilities, children's literature that characterizes individuals with disabilities, and provision of appropriate services to individuals with disabilities. Dr. Taylor enjoys spending time with family, playing sports, traveling, and reading.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Special Education and the Individualized Education Program

Meet Our Students

STEP 1. Describe the Student's Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

STEP 2. Write Measurable Annual Goals

STEP 3. Measure and Report Student Progress

STEP 4. State the Services Needed to Achieve Annual Goals

STEP 5. Explain the Extent, if Any, to Which the Student Will Not Participate with Nondisabled Students in the Regular Class and in Extracurricular and Other Nonacademic Activities

STEP 6. Explain Accommodations Necessary to Measure Academic Achievement and Functional Performance on State- and District-Wide Assessments

STEP 7. Complete a Transition Plan for Students Aged 16 and Older

Appendix: Answers to Exercises

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