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The Immortal Fire Within: The Life and Work of Edward Emerson Barnard

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-11-05
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press
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Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?


This full-length biography of Edward Emerson Barnard, tells the remarkable tale of endurance and achievement of one of the leading astronomers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. As a 'man who was never known to sleep', Barnard scoured the heavens endlessly, leaving an astonishing legacy of observations - of planets, satellites, comets, double stars, bright and dark nebulae and globular clusters - that make him one of the greatest observers of all time. This book traces Barnard's life from poverty to international recognition. We are told how he grew up fatherless and in hardship during the American Civil War; that he later acquired a small telescope and discovered so many comets that, despite his lack of formal education, he won a position at the Lick Observatory, California. His success as a professional astronomer then unfolds, and we are told, in particular, how he discovered the fifth satellite of Jupiter and pioneered wide-angle photography of comets and the Milky Way.

Table of Contents

Key to abbreviations in notes
Through rugged ways
Ardent and faithful work with a telescope
Mars; his moons and his heavens
A seeker of comets
Vanderbilt astronomer
In the realm of the nebulae
Go west, young man!
Hanging fire
On Mt. Hamilton
A year of wonders
The young rebel
'I am tired here'
Travels and travails
Barnard and Mars
Nature's true artisan
A tide in his affairs
Yerkes observatory
Disappointments and triumphs
The comet and Milky Way photographs
Comet tales
Observer of all that shines - or obscures
Eclipse and decline
Ad astra
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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