The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Differentiated Instruction , Sixth Edition captures the best of inclusion practices. Using a non-categorical approach, Mastropieri and Scruggs explain the fundamentals of inclusive teaching, the most effective general teaching practices, and ways to differentiate instruction for specific content areas. Targeted teaching strategies show ways to improve all students' memory, attention, motivation, study skills, and peer interaction. Research Highlights features validate strategies and demonstrate why particular techniques are best practice. Filled with classroom-ready tips and checklists, this revision includes an expanded chapter on Response to Intervention (RTI) and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), more coverage of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and the latest strategies relating to academic success.
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- 0134895029 / 9780134895024 The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Differentiated Instruction