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Indivisible Under God Restoring American Unity with Diversity

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2025-03-19
  • Publisher: Fidelis Publishing
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In a nation as diverse as America, unity will always be a challenge. However, by uniting around the biblical principles and values on which our country was founded, unity can be achieved in spite of those who do not want it.

Author Biography

E.W. Jackson is a Marine Corps veteran, retired attorney, and graduate of Harvard Law School. He is the pastor of The Called Church and president of S.T.A.N.D.— Staying True to America’ s National Destiny. He hosts “ The Awakening” on American Family Radio and the “ Wisdom Awakening” podcast and is the author of Sweet Land of Liberty. He lives in Virginia with his wife Theodora. David Goetsch is a Marine Corps veteran and member of the Florida Veteran’ s Hall of Fame (Class of 2016). Dr. Goetsch is Emeritus Vice-President of Northwest Florida State College, Christian counselor, and author of eighty books. Several of his books are bestsellers that have been translated into various foreign languages.

Table of Contents

Introduction Chapter 1: Unity with Diversity Chapter 2: Legacy of Slavery in America: Victory or Victimhood? Chapter 3: Civil Rights Movement and Racial Equality Chapter 4: Biblical View of Race Relations Chapter 5: Adopt a Strategic Plan for Pursuing Peace, Unity, and Racial Harmony Chapter 6: Understand Why Christians Must Take the Lead Chapter 7: Adopt BRT— Reject CRT Chapter 8: Recognize that Progress Has Been Made Chapter 9: Understand What Government Can and Cannot Do to Improve Race Relations Chapter 10: Get Your Church Involved Afterword: Final Thoughts Bonus Chapter: Transgenderism and Gender Confusion

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