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Integrating Technology in Nursing Education: Tools for the Knowledge Era

by ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-03-16
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett

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Designed for nursing educators and students interested in the field of nursing education, Integrating Technology in Nursing Education: Tools For The Knowledge Era  provides valuable, easy-to-use strategies on incorporating technology into the classroom. The text examines the increased role of technology in healthcare and its transformational impact on that field, allowing nurses to understand current and future trends and thus, integrate technology into nursing education in order to effectively prepare students for a new, technologically-driven healthcare environment. Also featured are topics on learning theories, The instructional design process, changes in higher education, and variations in learning environments. Using case studies, critical-thinking exercises, weblinks, and more, The text challenges nurses to think critically and formulate compelling teaching strategies. Written by a renowned nursing educator, instructional designer, informaticist, and simulation expert, Integrating Technology in Nursing Education: Tools For The Knowledge Era gives nurses the tools they need to step boldly into the technology era.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xi
Contributorsp. xv
Biographiesp. xvii
Driving Forces for Technology Integration in Nursing Educationp. 1
Preparing Nurses for Contemporary Practicep. 3
Introductionp. 4
The Push for Changep. 5
Preparing Students for Contemporary Practicep. 9
Role of Technology in Transforming Nursing Educationp. 11
Learning Activitiesp. 13
Referencesp. 13
The Changing Healthcare Arenap. 15
Introductionp. 16
Historical Overviewp. 17
Transformation of Health Carep. 19
Learning Activitiesp. 24
Referencesp. 24
The Changing Student: The Net Generationp. 27
Introductionp. 28
Net Generation Characteristicsp. 29
The Net Generation and Educational Technologyp. 33
The Net Generation and Instructional Strategiesp. 34
The Digital Dividep. 36
Looking Ahead: Neo-Millennialsp. 38
Summaryp. 39
Learning Activitiesp. 40
Referencesp. 40
Changing Facultyp. 43
Introductionp. 44
Oldskies, Newskies, and Tweenersp. 47
Early Adopter Characteristicsp. 49
Online Communitiesp. 51
Conclusionp. 55
Learning Applicationsp. 55
Case Studiesp. 55
Thoughts To Ponderp. 58
Recommendationsp. 59
Referencesp. 59
The Changing Higher Education Institutionp. 61
Introductionp. 62
The Need for Changep. 63
The Substance of Changep. 65
The Role of Technology in Transforming Higher Educationp. 68
Learning Activitiesp. 71
Referencesp. 72
Building Blocks for Developing Learning Episodesp. 73
Overview of Learning Theoriesp. 75
Introductionp. 76
Learning as a Product: Behaviorismp. 76
Learning as a Process: Cognitivismp. 77
Humanismp. 79
Constructivismp. 80
Problem-Based Learningp. 83
Situated Cognition, Everyday Cognition, and Cognitive Apprenticeshipsp. 85
Summaryp. 90
Referencesp. 90
Instructional Design Theoriesp. 93
Introductionp. 94
Elaboration Theoryp. 95
Gagne's Nine Events of Instructionp. 97
Algo-Heuristic Theory (Landamatics)p. 103
4C/ID Modelp. 105
Multiple Intelligencesp. 107
Learning Activityp. 110
Referencesp. 111
The Instructional Design Processp. 113
Instructional Design Processp. 114
Developmentp. 128
Instructional Design Process and Today's Learnerp. 131
Learning Activityp. 133
Referencesp. 133
Instruction Media Selectionp. 135
Introductionp. 136
Instructional Textp. 136
Instructional Graphicsp. 144
Instructional Animationp. 152
Instructional Audiop. 153
Instructional Videop. 154
Help with Media Selectionp. 155
Referencesp. 157
Copyright and Fair Use in Educationp. 159
Introductionp. 160
Copyrightp. 160
Fair Usep. 161
Public Domainp. 161
TEACH Actp. 162
Conclusionp. 163
Learning Applicationsp. 163
Referencesp. 165
Evolving Educational Technologiesp. 167
Variations in Learning Environmentsp. 169
Introductionp. 170
Types of Learning Environmentsp. 170
Technology Tools to Enhance Face-to-Face, Web-Enhanced, Blended, and Online Coursesp. 173
Summaryp. 177
Learning Activitiesp. 177
Referencesp. 178
Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ... and Beyondp. 179
Introductionp. 180
The Web 2s, 3s, 4s, and Beyondp. 181
Consumer-Driven Webp. 181
E-Learning Web Toolsp. 182
Collaboration Toolsp. 184
Social Bookmarking Toolsp. 184
E-learning Toolsp. 185
Web Servicesp. 185
Summaryp. 185
Case Studiesp. 186
Learning Applicationp. 187
Thought to Ponderp. 187
Recommendationsp. 188
Referencesp. 188
Educational Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worldsp. 189
Introductionp. 190
Educational Gamesp. 190
Educational Simulationsp. 194
Virtual Worldsp. 197
Game Type Versus Cognitive Levelp. 201
The Changing Role of Teacherp. 204
Summaryp. 205
Thoughts To Ponderp. 207
Referencesp. 207
The 3 Ds of Clinical Practice Simulation: Development, Delivery, and Debriefingp. 209
Introductionp. 210
Simulationsp. 210
Conclusionp. 220
Learning Activitiesp. 221
Referencesp. 221
Informatics Competencies and Clinical Practice Toolsp. 223
Introductionp. 224
Informatics Competencies for Nursesp. 225
Electronic Health Recordsp. 230
PDAs and Other Mobile Technologyp. 232
Digital Pensp. 235
Clinical Decision Support Systemsp. 236
Clinical Databases and Data Miningp. 237
Learning Activitiesp. 238
Referencesp. 238
Technology Tools for Outcomes Assessmentp. 241
Introductionp. 242
e-Portfoliosp. 242
Assessmentp. 242
Teaching e-Portfolios (TeP)p. 245
Conclusionp. 255
Learning Applicationp. 255
Referencesp. 256
On the Horizonp. 257
Knowledge Era Communities of Practice and Learningp. 259
Introductionp. 260
Knowledge Erap. 260
Communities of Practicep. 263
Learning Communitiesp. 264
Creating, Building, and Sustaining Online Learning Communitiesp. 266
Global Learning Communitiesp. 268
Putting It All Togetherp. 268
Conclusionp. 269
Learning Activityp. 269
Referencesp. 269
Imagining the Futurep. 271
Introductionp. 272
Key Technologies That Will Affect Educationp. 275
The Future Studentp. 281
Conclusionp. 283
Learning Activitiesp. 283
Referencesp. 283
Exemplars for Integrating Technology in Nursing Educationp. 285
Communicationp. 289
Leadership and Quality Carep. 293
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)p. 301
A Case-Based Collaboration to Develop Ethics Expertisep. 311
Legal Aspects of Nursing Practicep. 319
Informatics Case Studiesp. 323
Safety Issuesp. 333
Population Healthp. 335
Telehealth and Telenursingp. 337
Teamingp. 339
Abbreviationsp. 343
Glossaryp. 347
Indexp. 365
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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