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International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy [Connected eBook]

by ; ; ; ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 5th
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2024-02-01
  • Publisher: Aspen Publishing

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International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy, Fifth Edition provides a comprehensive analysis of the international intellectual property system across the spectrum of intellectual property (IP) rights and interests. It introduces the institutional architecture at the multilateral, regional/plurilateral, bilateral, and national levels. For each form of IP, it addresses the legal rules and illustrative jurisprudence with a focus on major jurisdictions, as well as economic and social welfare implications. It also considers the continuously growing importance of IP in a constantly changing technological environment, currently reflected in the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its deployment in creative and inventive activities. Each of the authors has played a role in the development and implementation of the international rules, and they bring their experience to bear in introducing students to the field.

New to the Fifth Edition:

  • New co-authors: Ryan B. Abbott, Mira Burri, Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan, and Maegan McCann, who bring additional expertise to the book
  • The latest developments in bilateral and regional agreements regulating intellectual property, including implementation of the EU Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court system and the EU intermediaries’ liability regime for copyright infringement
  • Important new judicial decisions, including the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Google v. Oracle and Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith, as well as decisions from EU and U.S. courts addressing identifiers for food products (Emmental and Gruyere cheeses)
  • Developments in AI in the context of content-creation, inventions, IP-registration and enforcement, as well as support or substitute for human decision-making
  • The expanding discourse on trade secret protection and its importance for international technology transfer
  • The phenomenon of the anti-suit injunction in international patent litigation
Benefits for instructors and students:
  • An approach to the international IP system that situates the rules within the broader context of international law and the public policy objectives that governments, industry, and interest groups are seeking to achieve
  • Case law from international dispute settlement bodies, as well as from national and regional courts and administrative authorities
  • Discussion of patent, trademark, copyright, design, trade secret, and geographical indication protection, as well as plant variety protection, the protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge, and the role of open source and open innovation systems
  • An explanation of the European Union Unitary Patent system
  • Exploration of the increasingly important role of emerging market IP systems
  • Materials to help students understand the disputes between the United States and China involving IP, investment, and transfer of technology
  • Identification of important trends in the enforcement of IP

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