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Interplay The Process of Interpersonal Communication

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 13th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2014-11-14
  • Publisher: OXFORD UNIV PRESS
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With its unique blend of compelling topics and rich pedagogy, the thirteenth edition of Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication offers a perfect balance of theory and application to help students understand and improve their own relationships. Interplay's inviting visual format and rich pedagogy continue to make this text the market leader in Interpersonal Communication.

* Expanded and updated coverage of social media's impact on interpersonal communication, with new material in every chapter
* Significantly revised and updated Chapter 2, Culture and Interpersonal Communication
* Expanded discussions of various interpersonal contexts in Chapter 10, Communication in Close Relationships: Friends, Family, and Romantic Partners
* New discussions of perceptual biases, gender effects on language use, listening styles, facilitative emotions, relational maintenance and social support, and invitational communication
* Updated"Media Clip," "Focus on Research," "Dark Side of Communication," and "At Work" boxes in each chapter
* New or updated "Assessing Your Communication" features in every chapter
* New "Check Your Understanding" summary points at the end of each chapter
* New TV and film examples and a corresponding YouTube channel

Author Biography

Ronald B. Adler is Professor Emeritus of Communication at Santa Barbara City College. He is coauthor of Understanding Human Communication, Twelfth Edition (OUP, 2013), Looking Out, Looking In (2014), and Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and the Professions (2013). In addition to his academic pursuits, Ron works with businesses and nonprofit agencies to improve communication among coworkers as well as with clients and the public.

Lawrence B. Rosenfeld is Professor of Communication Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His articles appear in journals in communication, education, social work, sport psychology, and psychology, and he is the author of books on small group, interpersonal, and nonverbal communication. His most recent book is When Their World Falls Apart: Helping Families and Children Manage the Effects of Disasters (2010). In 2000, Lawrence received the Donald H. Eckroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education from the National Communication Association, and in 2006 received the Gerald M. Phillips Award for Applied Communication Research from the same national communication organization. In 2012 he received the William C. Friday Award for Excellence in Teaching from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Russell F. Proctor II is Professor of Communication Studies at Northern Kentucky University. He teaches courses in interpersonal communication, interviewing, and communication pedagogy and won NKU's Outstanding Professor Award in 1997. Russ has also received recognition for his teaching from the National Communication Association, the Central States Communication Association, and the Kentucky Communication Association. In addition to his work on Interplay, he is coauthor (with Ronald B. Adler) of Looking Out, Looking In (2014).

Table of Contents


Part One: Foundations of Interpersonal Communication

Chapter 1. Interpersonal Process
Why We Communicate
-Physical Needs
-Identity Needs
-Social Needs
-Practical Needs
The Communication Process
-A Model of Communication
-Insights from the Transactional Communication Model
-Communication Principles
-Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication
-Communication Misconceptions
Communication Competence
-Communication Competence Defined
-Characteristics of Competent Communication
Social Media and Interpersonal Communication
-Characteristics of Social Media
-Social Media and Relational Quality
-Communicating Competently with Social Media

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-At Work: Communication And Career Advancement
-Dark Side Of Communication: Loneliness And The Internet: A Delicate Balance
-Focus On Research: Interpersonal Dimensions Of Tweeting
-Media Clip: Transaction in Action: How I Met Your Mother
-Focus On Research: How To (Not) Antagonize Your Professor: Adapting E-Messages
-Media Clip: Online but Disconnected: The Social Network
-Assessing Your Communication: Your Use of Social Media

Chapter 2. Culture and Interpersonal Communication
Culture and Communication
-Culture and Co-Culture
-Intercultural Communication
-Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
-Intercultural Differences as Generalizations
Cultural Values and Norms
-High vs. Low Context
-Individualism vs. Collectivism
-Power Distance

· Uncertainty Avoidance
-Achievement vs. Nurturing
Co-Cultures and Communication
-Ethnicity and Race
-Gender Identity/Sexual Orientation
-Socioeconomic Status
Codes and Culture
-Verbal Codes
-Nonverbal Codes
-Decoding Messages
Developing Intercultural Communication Competence
-Motivation and Attitude
-Tolerance for Ambiguity
-Knowledge and Skill
-Patience and Perseverance

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Key Terms

· Focus on Research: Fitting In: Disabilities on the Job
· Dark Side of Communication: Accents and Stigmas
· Media Clip: A Blending of Cultures: Modern Family
· At Work: Organizations Are Cultures
· Assessing Your Communication: What is Your Intercultural Communication Competence?
· Media Clip: Out of His Element: An Idiot Abroad
· Focus on Research: The Relational Challenges of Studying Abroad

Chapter 3. Interpersonal Communication and the Self
Communication and the Self-Concept
-How the Self-Concept Develops
-Characteristics of the Self-Concept
-The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and Communication
Presenting the Self
-Public and Private Selves
-Characteristics of Impression Management
-Face-to-Face Impression Management
-Impression Management and Social Media
-Impression Management and Honesty
Disclosing the Self
-Models of Self-Disclosure
-Benefits and Risks of Self-Disclosure
-Guidelines for Self-Disclosure
-Alternatives to Self-Disclosure

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-Focus on Research: Mirror, Mirror on the Cyberwall
-Media Clip: Overcoming a Negative Appraisal: The Way Way Back
-At Work: Impression Management in The Workplace
-Media Clip: The Promise and Perils of Online Relationships: Catfish
-Dark Side of Communication: Getting Hoaxed Online
-Focus on Research: TMI in the Classroom
-Asessing Your Communication: Online and Offline Self-Disclosure

Chapter 4. Perceiving Others
The Perception Process
-Reality Is Constructed
-Steps in the Perception Process
Influences on Perception
-Access to Information
-Physiological Influences
-Psychological Influences
-Social Influences
-Cultural Influences
Common Tendencies in Perception
-We Make Snap Judgments
-We Cling to First Impressions
-We Judge Ourselves More Charitably than We Do Others
-We Are Influenced by Our Expectations
-We Are Influenced by the Obvious
-We Assume Others Are Like Us
Synchronizing Our Perceptions
-Perception Checking
-Building Empathy

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-Media Clip: One Person, Many Narratives: Stories We Tell
-At Work: Sexual Harassment and Perception
-Focus on Research: Does Honesty Hurt? Receivers Say "Yes," Senders Say "No"
-Dark Side of Communication: The Gaslight Effect
-Media Clip: Gaining and Using Empathy: White Collar/Undercover Boss
-Assessing Your Communication: Your Empathy Quotient

Part Two: Creating and Responding to Messages

Chapter 5. Language
The Nature of Language
-Language Is Symbolic
-Language Is Rule-Governed
-Language Is Subjective
-Language and Worldview
The Impact of Language
-Naming and Identity
-Power and Politeness
-Sexism and Racism
-Precision and Vagueness
-The Language of Responsibility
Gender and Language
-Extent of Gender Differences
-Accounting for Gender Differences
Social Media and Language
-Online Language and Impression Management
-Online Language and Gender

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-Media Clip: See What I'm Saying
-Focus on Research: The Negative Consequences of Fat Talk
-At Work: Swearing on the Job
-Assessing Your Communication: Sexist Language
-Media Clip: The Help
-Dark Side of Communication: The Incivility of Hate Speech
-Focus on Research: The Languages of Texting and Talking

Chapter 6. Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication Defined
Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication
-All Behavior Has Communicative Value
-Nonverbal Communication Is Primarily Relational
-Nonverbal Communication Is Ambiguous
-Nonverbal Communication Occurs in Mediated Messages
-Nonverbal Communication Is Influenced by Culture and Gender
Functions of Nonverbal Communication
-Creating and Maintaining Relationships
-Regulating Interaction
-Influencing Others
-Managing Impressions
Types of Nonverbal Communication
-Body Movement
-Physical Attractiveness
-Physical Environment

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-Focus on Research: It's About Time: The Costs of Delayed Responses
-Assessing Your Communication: Nonverbal Immediacy
-Media Clip: Scandal
-Focus on Research: Power Posing
-At Work: Touch and Career Success
-Dark Side of Communication: The Inequality of "Lookism"
-Media Clip: Crazy, Stupid, Love

Chapter 7. Listening: Receiving and Responding
The Nature of Listening
-The Importance of Listening
-Listening Defined
-Listening Styles
The Challenge of Listening
-Listening Is Not Easy
-All Listeners Do Not Receive the Same Message
-Poor Listening Habits
Components of Listening
Types of Listening Responses
-Silent Listening
-Which Style to Use?

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-At Work: Listening on the Job
-Assessing Your Communication: Your Listening Styles
-Media Clip: The Devil Wears Prada
-Dark Side of Communication: Hearing Loss and Relational Stress
-Focus on Research: Feeling Understood and Appreciated
-Media Clip: 50/50
-Focus on Research: Exchanging Advice Online

Chapter 8. Emotions
What Are Emotions?
-Physiological Changes
-Nonverbal Reactions
-Cognitive Interpretations
-Verbal Expression
Influences on Emotional Expression
-Social Conventions and Roles
-Social Media
-Emotional Contagion
Guidelines for Expressing Emotions
-Recognize Your Feelings
-Choose the Best Language
-Share Multiple Feelings
-Recognize the Difference between Feeling and Acting
-Accept Responsibility for Your Feelings
-Choose the Best Time and Place to Express Your Feelings
Managing Emotions
-Facilitative and Debilitative Emotions
-Thoughts Cause Feelings
-Irrational Thinking and Debilitative Emotions
-Minimizing Debilitative Emotions
-Maximizing Facilitative Emotions

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-Media Clip: Intelligence of Another Variety: The Big Bang Theory
-Focus on Research: Saying "I Love You": Different Cultures, Different Rules
-Media Clip: Social Rules and Emotions: Mad Men
-At Work: Emotion Labor on the Job
-Focus on Research: Online Ranting: Helpful or Harmful?
-Assessing Your Communication: Your Emotional Intelligence
-Dark Side of Communication: Jealousy and Rumination: An Unhealthy Combination

Part Three: Dimensions of Interpersonal Relationships

Chapter 9. Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships
Why We Form Relationships
Relational Dynamics and Communication
-Developmental Models of Interpersonal Relationships
-Dialectical Perspectives on Relational Dynamics
Communicating About Relationships
-Content and Relational Messages
-Maintaining and Supporting Relationships
-Repairing Damaged Relationships

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-Media Clip: TV Reality Shows
-Dark Side of Communication: The Anguish of Abusive Relationships
-Focus on Research: Online Dating: Many Happy Returns
-Media Clip: (500) Days of Summer
-Focus on Research: Tethered by Cell Phones: A Connection-Autonomy Dilemma
-At Work: Social Capital and Career Advancement
-Assessing Your Communication: Forgiveness-Granting Strategies

Chapter 10. Communication in Close Relationships: Friends, Family, and Romantic Partners
Intimacy in Close Relationships
-Dimensions of Intimacy
-Gender and Intimacy
-Culture and Intimacy
-Social Media and Intimacy
Communication in Friendships
-Types of Friendships
-Friendships, Gender, and Communication
-Friendship and Social Media
-Communication in Successful Friendships
Communication in the Family
-Creating the Family through Communication
-Patterns of Family Communication
-Effective Communication in Families
Communication in Romantic Relationships
-Characteristics of Romantic Relationships
-Effective Communication in Romantic Relationships

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-Media Clip: Intimacy in the Digital Age: Her
-At Work: Can Women Be Coworkers and Friends?
-Focus on Research: Rules for Facebook Friendships
-Assessing Your Communication: Family Communication Patterns
-Media Clip: Mismanaging Family Boundaries: Our Idiot Brother
-Focus on Research: Friends or Lovers? What about Both?
-Dark Side of Communication: Virtually Unfaithful: Emotional Infidelity Online

Chapter 11. Communication Climate
What Is Communication Climate?
How Communication Climates Develop
-Levels of Message Confirmation
-Climate Patterns
Creating Supportive Climates
-Evaluation versus Description
-Control versus Problem-Orientation
-Strategy versus Spontaneity
-Neutrality versus Empathy
-Superiority versus Equality
-Certainty versus Provisionalism
Invitational Communication
-The Language of Choice
-Responding Non-Defensively to Criticism

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-At Work: Take This Job and Love it
-Media Clip: The Cost of Unbridled Aggressiveness: Bully
-Assessing Your Communication: Confirming and Disconfirming Communication
-Focus on Research: Saving Face While Delivering Bad News
-Dark Side of Communication: Cyberbullying: Inflicting Online Pain
-Focus on Research: Blurting
-Media Clip: Everyone's a Critic: Performance Contests on TV

Chapter 12. Managing Conflict
What Is Conflict?
-Expressed Struggle
-Perceived Incompatible Goals
-Perceived Scarce Resources
Conflict Styles
-Avoidance (Lose-Lose)
-Accommodation (Lose-Win)
-Competition (Win-Lose)
-Compromise (Negotiated Lose-Lose)
-Collaboration (Win-Win)
-Which Style to Use?
Conflict in Relational Systems
-Complementary and Symmetrical Conflict
-Toxic Conflict: The "Four Horsemen"
-Conflict Rituals
Variables in Conflict Styles
Conflict Management in Practice

Check Your Understanding
Key Terms

-Media Clip: High-Stakes Conflict: The Hunger Games
-At Work: Third-Party Dispute Resolution
-Dark Side of Communication: When Silence Isn't Golden
-Assessing Your Communication: Your Method of Conflict Resolution
-Focus on Research: Attachment, Conflict, and the Four Horsemen
-Focus on Research: "We Have to Talk": Men and Women in Conflict
-Media Clip: Resolvable Conflicts: Home Buying and Design Shows

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