Please note: the next edition of this title is being combined with Introduction to Hospitality, 7/e and will be available for spring 2020 in Introduction to Hospitality, 8/e.
Prepare students to succeed in hospitality management.
Capturing the breadth of the world’s largest and fastest growing business, Introduction to Hospitality Management, 5/e, gives an in-depth overview of both hospitality and management. The text is organized into five sections, with six chapters devoted to management: hospitality and lodging; beverages, restaurants, and managed services; tourism, recreation, attractions, clubs, and gaming; and assemblies, events, attractions, leadership, and management; managerial areas of the hospitality industry. Each section includes real-world profiles, first-hand accounts, and engaging case studies to help readers connect with the material and foster an appreciation of the industry’s unique enthusiasm and passion. New photos, page layouts, and hands-on examples that help students understand the how-to aspects of today’s hospitality industry. Updated to reflect today’s trends and realities, the Fifth Edition contains new coverage of spas, updated and new corporate profiles, salary information, hospitality-related technologies, and more!
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyHospitalityLab does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyHospitalityLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
- 0134151909 / 9780134151908
- 0134487281 / 9780134487281