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Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies An Interdisciplinary Approach

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2019-10-15
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Second Edition, is a truly interdisciplinary and intersectional text featuring global examples for women's, gender, and sexuality studies. Its student-centered rhetorical approach and pedagogical features--including an engaging image program, prompts for activism, a comprehensive glossary, appendices of key terms, annotated bibliographies for additional reading, and "Feminisms in Brief"--aid students in assimilating fundamental women's and gender studies terms and concepts. While it is a textbook and not an anthology, Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies adopts the best facets of the anthology approach: it includes discussions of frequently anthologized writers and writing that is more engaging and narrative in style than traditional textbooks. The book systematically covers core interdisciplinary concepts so that students are prepared for women's and gender studies courses in a variety of disciplines.

Author Biography

Melissa J. Gillis has taught the introductory Women's, Gender, and Sexuality course at SUNY Rockland Community College and has worked for various non-governmental organizations at the United Nations. She is a writer and an editor.

Andrew T. Jacobs is Professor of Speech at SUNY Rockland Community College, where he co-developed the introductory Women's, Gender, and Sexuality course.

Table of Contents



1. Sex, Gender, and Social Construction
The Social Construction of Sex
Sex Identity
Revised Definition of Sex
Gender Expression and Gender Identity
Gender Polarization
Gender Roles
Doing Sex and Gender Across Cultures
Gender Ideology
Sex and Gender as Cognitive Schemas
Multiple Femininities and Masculinities
Revised Definition of Gender
Baby X: The Conclusion
Sexual Orientation
Third Sex / Third Gender
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

2. Language and Communication
What Language Reveals, Conceals, and Imposes
The Primacy of Males and Masculine Terms
The Sex and Gender of Things
Parallel Language
Mr., Miss, Mrs., Ms., and Mx.
Language, Communication, and Semantic Change
Appropriation of Stigmatized Names
Communication and Reception Theory
Sex, Gender, and Communication
Gender, Class, and Speech
Women, Men, and Communities of Practice
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

3. Gender and In/Equality
The Social Construction of Gender
Gender Construction in Children
The Social Costs of Traditional Femininity and Masculinity
Sexism: A Special Case of Prejudice
Political and Economic Inequality
--Patriarchy at Home
The "Mythical Norm"
What About the Oppression of Men?
Not All Discrimination Is Oppression
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms


4. LGBTQQIA Identities and Challenges
Measuring Sexual Orientation
Kinsey Scale
Klein Grid
Storms's Scale
Looking Back, Looking Forward
LGBTQQIA Identities
A/Asexual (Also, Ally)
The Problem of Heterosexual Focus
The Lesbian Continuum and Marriage Resistance in Southern China
Anti-LGBT Attitudes
Straight Male Homonegativity Regarding Gay Men
Straight Male Homonegativity Regarding Lesbians
Straight Female Homonegativity Regarding Gay Men and Lesbians
Negative Attitudes Regarding Bisexuals
Negative Attitudes Regarding Transgender People
Racism and Homophobia Against LGBT People of Color
Microagressions Against LGBT People of Color
LGBTQ+ Community and Social Support
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

5. Constructions of Homosexualities: Past and Present
Ancient Greece
Sappho and Female Same-Sex Sexuality
Ancient Rome
Male Same-Sex Relations
Female Same-Sex Relations
Male Same-Sex Sexual Relations in Latin American Cultures
The Emergence of the Modern Homosexual
Marriage in Early Modern England
Social Relations in Modern Europe
--The Rise of Capitalist Social Relations
--The Modern Regime of Sexuality
--Gay Identity as a Movement
The Stonewall Uprising and LGBTQ Liberation in the United States
Homosexualities in Africa
Boy-Wives and Bagburu Relationships
Mummy-Baby Relationships
Homosexuality as Un-African
Personification of Homosexuality
India's Hijras: Troubling Same- and Opposite-Sex Schemas
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

6. Beyond the Mythical Norm: Considering Race, Class, and Gender
Examining Race
Biology and Racial Classification
Abandoning the Race Concept
Keeping Race to Aid Activism
Us and Them
Gender, Race, and Ethnicity Are Socially Constructed
Socioeconomic Status in America
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in America
The Idea of the Model Minority
History of Discrimination
Black People in the United States
The Myth of the Strong Black Woman
Black Men, Black Women, and Public Surveillance
Representations of Black People
The Latino Threat Narrative
Machismo and Marianismo
American Indians
A Rich History Rife With Exploitation
Multiracial America
Whiteness and White Privilege
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

7. Embodiment, Beauty, and the Viewer
Fat Studies and Activism
History of Women's Body Shape and Clothing in the United States
1890s: Shifting Ideals in a Shifting Social Climate
1900s-1920s: The Age of the Boyish Flapper
1930s: A Turn to Mature, Classical Beauty
1940s-1950s: Move to Glamorous Fuller Figures
1960s-1970s: Return to the Thin Ideal
1980s: Return to the Hourglass Look
1990s: Enter the Waif Look
2000s-2010s: Slim and Hourglass Looks
The Significance of Female Body Shape and Fashion Class
History of Men's Body Shape and Clothing in the United States
1666-1800s: Into the Great Masculine Renunciation
1890s: Enter the Athletic, Muscular Man
1907-1950s: Continuation of the Broad-Shouldered Ideal
1960s: Enter the Peacock
1970s: Continuation of the Peacock and Rugged Masculinity
1980s: Rise of the Hypermuscular Ideal
1990s: Advent of the Metrosexual
2000s-2010s: Popularization of the Slim Ideal
The Significance of Male Body Shape and Fashion
Viewing Gendered Bodies
The Male Gaze
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

8. Work, Inequality, and Neoliberalism
Examining Unequal Pay
Starting Out Behind, Staying Behind
Paid Work and Parenting
Women's Work, Men's Work
Fewer Women and People of Color at the Top
Women Leaders in a Bind
The Politics of Housework
The Value of All That Housework
Why Count Unpaid Work?
Work, Family, and Social Policy
Work in a Globalizing World
Documenting Life on the Global Assembly Line
Modern-Day Slavery
Neoliberalism and Globalization
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

9. Gender-Based Violence
(Re)Defining Gender-Based Violence
Intimate Partner Violence
Intimate Partner Violence Globally
Intimate Partner Violence in the United States and Other Western Countries
Where We Get Our Data
Making Sense of the Data: Typologies of Violence
--Intimate Terrorism
--Violent Resistance
--Situational Couple Violence
Risk Factors Associated With Intimate Partner Violence
Feminist Activism and Intimate Partner Violence
Women Advocate for Change
Sexual Violence
What Do We Know About Rape?
How We Study Who Rapes and Why
Debunking Rape Myths
Sexual Assault on Campus
--The Case of Margaux J.
Sexual Violence by Women
The Role of Culture in Sexual Assault
Advocates Campaign Against Sexual Violence
MeToo and Time's Up
Violence Against Members of the LGBT Community
Anti-LGBT Violence and Hate Crimes
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms


10. Human Rights and Global Activism
La Guerra del Agua--The Water War
Water and Gender
Water Privatization Globally
Water as a Human Right
Managing Water in the Public Interest
A Note About Reading This Chapter
Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking Is a Global Problem
Global Trends in Trafficking
--South and East Asia and the Pacific
--Africa and the Middle East
--Europe and Central Asia
Trafficking for Purposes of Sexual Exploitation
Who Is Vulnerable?
What Are the Causes of Human Trafficking?
Genital Cutting Practices
Traditional Female Genital Cutting
--The Reasons Why Female Cutting Is Practiced
--Consequences of Traditional Female Genital Cutting
--Combating Female Genital Cutting
--Critiquing the Western Discourse
Interrogating Genital Modification Globally
Human Rights and the LGBTI Community
No Country Is Free of Human Rights Abuses
The United Nations, Human Rights, and Activism
Universal and Indivisible?
Public and Private Rights
Engendering Human Rights Law Through a Women's Convention
--Where CEDAW Falls Short
--U.S. Nonratification of CEDAW
The UN Fourth World Conference on Women
--A Conference of Firsts
--Sex and Gender
--Multiple Oppressions
--Sexual Rights and Sexual Orientation
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

11. History of Women's Activism in the United States: Struggles and Solidarities
Rethinking the Waves
The Roots of Feminist Organizing in the United States
The Antislavery Movement and the Woman Question
Labor Movements in an Industrializing America
Seneca Falls, Suffrage, and Beyond
Schism in the Woman Movement
Equal Rights for Women
There Is No Break in the Waves
The Antilynching Movement
The Rise of Organized Labor
The Birth Control Movement
The 1950s: Emerging Movements, Pivotal Moments
U.S. Feminist Organizing from 1960
Equality Feminism
Difference Feminism
Multiracial Feminism
Feminist Advocacy: 1960-1990
--Body Image and Beauty Standards
--Capitalism and Imperialism
--Violence Against Women
--Reproductive Health
Issue Focus: Reproductive Choice
The 1980s, Conservatism, and Backlash in the United States
The Third Wave
Hip-Hop Feminism
Riot Grrrls, Zines, and DIY Feminism
Gaga Feminism
Common Themes in Third Wave Feminism
--Third Wave Feminists Take a Feminism Is for Everyone Approach
--Third Wave Feminists Are Intentionally Multicultural, Coalitional, and Intersectional
--Third Wave Feminists Are Antiessentialist
--Third Wave Feminists Are Genderbending
--Third Wave Feminists Engage Popular Culture
--Third Wave Feminists Are Often Pro-Sex
Second Wave Is to Third Wave as Mother Is to Daughter?
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

12. Feminisms: Theories and Practices
Advantages of Feminist Theoretical Analysis
Understanding Forms of Feminism
Read and Re-Read the Forms of Feminism
Understand There Are No Neat Divisions
Recognize This Is a Brief Introduction
Not Agreeing With Everything Is Okay
Understand Antifeminism
Liberal Feminist Theory
History of Liberal Feminism
Radical Feminist Theory
History of Radical Feminism
Marxist and Socialist Feminist Theory
History of Marxist and Socialist Feminism
U.S. Intersectional Feminist Theory
History of U.S. Intersectional Feminism
Transnational Feminist Theory
History of Transnational Feminism
Postmodern Feminist/Queer Theory
History of Postmodernism and Queer Theory
Think, Learn, Act
Take Stock, Take Action
Key Terms

Appendix A: Basic Terms
Appendix B: Names for People and Places
Appendix C: Feminisms in Brief

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