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Jazz America's Classical Music

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1992-08-22
  • Publisher: Da Capo
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Jazz: America's Classical Musicis a delightful introduction and guide to this complex and compelling music and to its rich history. In an engaging and conversational style, renowned jazz teacher Grover Sales tells of the lives and music of the greatsEllington, Tatum, Hawkins, Coltrane, Parker, Hines, Goodman, Armstrong, and many otherswith a mix of important facts, fascinating anecdotes, and brilliant interpretations. Illustrated with astonishing photographs of the artists in performance,Jazz: America's Classical Musicis a classic text, an ideal book for beginners and an inspiring one for serious students of the art of jazz.

Author Biography

Grover Sales is an instructor in jazz studies at Stanford University and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. He was publicity director of the Monterey Jazz Festival for its first seven years and did personal publicity for many of the jazz greats including Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, and Duke Ellington.

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