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John Dewey And The Decline Of American Education

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2006-04-30
  • Publisher: Isi Books
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The influence of John Dewey's undeniably pervasive ideas on the course of American education during the last half-century has been celebrated in some quarters and decried in others. But Dewey's writings themselves have not often been analyzed in a sustained way. In "John Dewey and the Decline of American Education, "Hank Edmondson takes up that task. He begins with an account of the startling authority with which Dewey's fundamental principles have been-and continue to be-received within the U.S. educational establishment. Edmondson then shows how revolutionary these principles are in light of the classical and Christian traditions. Finally, he persuasively demonstrates that Dewey has had an insidious effect on American democracy through the baneful impact his core ideas have had in our nation's classrooms. Few people are pleased with the performance of our public schools. Eschewing polemic in favor of understanding, Edmondson's study of the "patron saint" of those schools sheds much-needed light on both the ideas that bear much responsibility for their decline and the alternative principles that could spur their recovery.

Author Biography

Henry T. Edmondson III is Professor of Public Administration and Political Science at the Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, Georgia. Besides Dewey, he has written a number of articles and books on Jefferson, Shakespeare, and Flannery O'Connor, including the recently published Return to Good and Evil: Flannery O'Connor's Response to Nihilism.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. vii
Works by Dewey Cited in Textp. ix
Prefacep. xi
Dewey's Troubling Legacyp. 1
A New Way to Be Humanp. 19
Dewey's Revoltp. 37
Democracy Betrayedp. 57
A Useful Educationp. 77
Disinheriting Deweyp. 95
Notesp. 115
Indexp. 131
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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