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Judy Moody and Friends: Rocky Zang in The Amazing Mr. Magic

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2014-02-11
  • Publisher: Candlewick
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Abracadabra! Kalamazoo! Rocky and Judy astound and amaze in the Greatest Backyard Magic Show on Earth!

Rocky is perfecting the tricks for his magic show when Judy Moody offers to be his assistant. Rocky agrees, but it turns out that Judy — or Stella the Spectacular as she calls herself — is the most UN-spectacular assistant ever. When she gets ketchup all over the magic rabbit, the Amazing Mr. Magic has had enough! Is Rocky’s magic good enough to mend his and Judy’s friendship? From Megan McDonald comes a Judy Moody story just right for newly independent readers.

Author Biography

Megan McDonald is the creator of the popular and award-winning Judy Moody and Stink series. She is also the author of three Sisters Club stories, two stories about Ant and Honey Bee, and many other books for children. She lives in Sebastopol, California.

Erwin Madrid has worked as a visual development artist for the Shrek franchise and Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. The illustrator of The Scary Places Map Book by B. G. Hennessy, Erwin Madrid lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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