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Jurassic World: Dinosaur Rivals!

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Nonspecific Binding
  • Copyright: 2022-07-26
  • Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
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Become a dinosaur expert! Pit dinosaurs in the ultimate head to head battle to see which of your favorite Jurassic World dinosaurs will come out on top!

This unique novelty book includes 48 split pages, dinosaur stats, and a whole lot of prehistoric facts! Raptor vs. T. Rex? Anklosaurus vs. Stygimoloch? Indominous vs. Carnotaurus? Is speed more important than stealth? Hidden strengths and weaknesses may just give a surprising dinosaur the upper hand. Who will win the ultimate showdown? You be the judge!

Author Biography

Marilyn Easton has been an author and editor for over 10 years. Marilyn currently lives in Los Angeles, CA with her partner, two dogs, and one cat.

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