Batman leads a team of unlikely heroes in these satirical 1980s adventures, co-starring Black Canary, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Martian Manhunter, Mister Miracle and more in Justice League International Book 1: Born Again.
The world's greatest super-team, the Justice League, are Earth's greatest and last line of defense against all manner of world-threatening villains... assuming they don't wipe each other out first! Find out what happens when Batman, Superman and the rest of the gang face a galactic invasion fleet known as the Cluster, exchange harsh words with crazed bounty hunter Lobo and track Mister Miracle back to the hell planet that is Apokolips, and then battle yet another invasion fleet...because that's how they roll. Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis' classic run of Justice League stories--ably illustrated by Kevin Maguire - begins, mixing classic JLA action with a liberal dose of humor.
Justice League International Book 1: Born Again collects Justice League #1-6, Justice League International #7-17, Justice League Annual #1, Justice League International Annual #2 and Suicide Squad #13.