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Kielhofner's Research in Occupational Therapy Methods of Inquiry for Enhancing Practice

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2023-10-16
  • Publisher: F.A. Davis Company

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Kielhofner's Research in Occupational Therapy Methods of Inquiry for Enhancing Practice [ISBN: 9781719640640] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Taylor, Renee R.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


Renée Taylor and an international team of contributors carry on Gary Kielhofner’s innovative vision to demystify the research process and demonstrate that research is essential to occupational therapy practice. They present a comprehensive guide to conducting applied research in the field from qualitative, quantitative, and mixed perspectives for students and clinicians.
You’ll begin with a grounding in conducting evidence-based practice in OT and an explanation of the six broad components of the research process. Then you will explore research designs, measurements, and statistical analysis for qualitative and quantitative studies. You’ll examine the steps and procedures required to conduct research and how research can be used to shape professional practice and improve patient care. Additional topics include needs assessment research, program evaluation research, mixed methods research, outcomes research for evidence-based practice, writing a literature review, and obtaining funding for research.
  • New, Updated & Revised! Reflecting the latest developments in the field and current ACOTE standards
  • New & Expanded! Increased attention to qualitative research with additional chapters that cover the hands-on application of qualitative methodology
  • Revised! Chapters on statistics that focus on their use and interpretation
  • Expanded! More examples and images of research-related tools, approaches, data collection, data analysis, and data outcomes work
  • Expanded! Case Examples with thought-provoking questions to engage the reader
  • New! A “Review and Apply” sections with multiple-choice and open-ended questions and activities
  • Explores statistical analysis, including meta-analysis-research design and measurement tools that are part of quantitative research
  • OT-specific examples

Table of Contents

I. Research in Occupational Therapy: Basic Elements for Enhancing Practice
1. Occupational Therapy: An Evidence-Based Practice Profession
2. Classifications and Aims of Research
3. Philosophical Foundations of Research
4. Reading and Understanding Published and Presented Research
5. Critically Appraising and Classifying Published and Presented Research
6. Managing Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice: An International Imperative
7. Professional Responsibility and Roles in Research
8. The Role of Theory in Occupational Therapy

II. Laying the Groundwork for Evidence-Based Practice: The Steps of the Research Process
9. Steps in the Research Process and Characteristics of Sound Research
10. Conducting a Literature Review
11. Generating Research Questions and Defining Specific Aims and Hypotheses
12. Selecting the Research Method
13. Writing the Research Proposal
14. Ensuring Ethical Research
15. Securing Samples and Performance Sites

III. Qualitative Approaches: First Steps in Communicating with Language
16. Design Considerations in Qualitative Research
17. Collecting Qualitative Data
18. Contemporary Tools for Managing and Analyzing Qualitative Data
19. Qualitative Approaches to Interpreting and Reporting Data

IV. Quantitative Approaches: First Steps in Communicating with Statistics and Measures
20. Quantitative Research Designs: Defining Variables and Their Relationships with One Another
21. Developing and Evaluating Quantitative Data Collection Instruments
22. Collecting Quantitative Data
23. Entering, Storing, and Managing Data
24. Deciding on an Approach to Data Analysis
25. Meta-Analysis

V. Descriptive, Exploratory, and Pilot-Study Research
26. Single Subject Research
27. Survey Research

VI. Additional Topics for the Developing Investigator
28. Needs Assessment Research
29. Program Evaluation Research
30. Participatory Research Approaches
31. Writing a Literature Review
32. Disseminating Research: Presenting, Writing, and Publishing
33. Writing a Grant Proposal
34. Using Mixed Methods Designs to Study Therapy and Its Outcomes
35. Creating Outcomes Research for Evidence-Based Practice

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