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Leadership for an Age of Wisdom

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-02-25
  • Publisher: Springer Nature
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List Price: $159.99


This book provides a clear, comprehensive, and compelling description of the nature, characteristics, and prerequisites of wisdom-led leadership. It not only includes a detailed description of what is meant by wisdom-led leadership but also it describes how wisdom-led leadership can be developed based on current research data. In other words, practical ways to promote wisdom-led leadership are described. In addition, a metaphysical foundation in support of wisdom-led leadership is provided along with a detailed analysis of how this form of leadership can better prepare the leader to confidently and capably attend to their relational and organisational development demands, which are pivotal to their success. Finally, the fundamentally important and influential external issues of performance management, vision, goals, and accountability are discussed at length with respect to their potentially detrimental impact on the achievement of wisdom-led leadership. Embracing wisdom-led leadership does not mean that we have to forgo what performance management, vision, goals, and accountability procedures seek to achieve. It just means that these desired outcomes need to be achieved differently.

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