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Legends of the Fire Spirits Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-03-08
  • Publisher: Counterpoint
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Supernatural, shape-shifting, intelligent, and blessed with free will and remarkable powers, jinn have over the ages been given many names-demon, spirit, ghoul, genie, ifrit, and shaitan. Neither human nor immortal, they roam the earth inhabiting dark and empty places, luring humans to their deaths or demonically possessing them if harmed or offended. Despite the fact they cannot be seen, jinn are said to be strangely humanlike-marrying, bearing children, forming communities and tribes, playing, and facing judgment like any other human.

Author Biography

Robert Lebling has lived and worked as a journalist in Egypt, Lebanon, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and is the author (with Donna Pepperdine) of Natural Remedies of Arabia. Married with two daughters, he is currently a writer and communications specialist based in Saudi Arabia.

Table of Contents

Forewordp. ix
Acknowledgementsp. xv
Notes on Transliterationp. xvii
Introduction: The Nature of Jinnp. 1
Originsp. 7
Islamp. 17
Early Legendsp. 24
Historical Encountersp. 48
Al-Andalusp. 48
Spirits of the Middle Agesp. 53
Jinn in the Fihristp. 58
Genius or Jinn-Master?p. 59
By Their Deeds: Jinn Behaviourp. 64
Amid Ancient Ruinsp. 65
Human Possession and Exorcismp. 72
Jinn Hauntingsp. 77
Jinn and Illnessp. 81
'The Condemned System'p. 82
Abductions and Trialsp. 88
Shifting Shapesp. 94
Jinn Livingp. 101
Sex and Marriagep. 110
Jinn Geographyp. 115
Arabia: The Heartlandp. 115
Iraq: 'Pandemonium'p. 127
Harran: The 'North'p. 131
Palestine: Undergroundp. 135
Syria: The Red King's Daughterp. 143
Egypt: Ifrits and Ghoulsp. 148
Morocco: The 'Masters'p. 159
Tunisia: Air, Sea and Landp. 174
Turkey: Out of the Forestp. 181
Iran: 'The Holy Jinn'p. 185
Kurds: Children of the Jinnp. 192
South Asia: Coat of Many Coloursp. 194
Zanzibar and Beyond: Spreading the Wealthp. 203
Nigeria: 'Children of Jangare'p. 207
Malays: Jinn in the Junglep. 210
Cultural Echoesp. 216
How I Met the Ghulp. 216
The Arabian Nightsp. 218
Southey's Geniip. 227
Hugo's 'jinn'p. 232
The Mystery of Ishmoniap. 236
Arab Folktalesp. 239
Edward Lane's Notes on the Jinnp. 245
Muhammad Asad on the Jinnp. 256
Jinn Physicsp. 259
Notesp. 265
Referencesp. 289
Indexp. 297
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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