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Libra Crystal Astrology for Modern Life

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-10-11
  • Publisher: Laurence King Publishing
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Breezy, graceful, intelligent Libra – your astro-crystal journey starts here!

Harness the energy of the stars with the healing power of crystals to create a deeper connection with yourself for a confident, empowered, high-vibe life.

Leverage the strengths of your Libra gifts with unique crystal recommendations for love, friendship, money, work and health, and discover personalized rituals and meditations to help you thrive in your birth month and throughout the astrological year.

Whether Libra is your Sun, Moon or Rising sign, or exists elsewhere in your chart, explore your unique astrology to realize your true potential and reach your dreams and goals.

Author Biography

Sandy Sitron is an Astrologer and Consulting Hypnotist based in NYC. She writes for The Numinous and Well+Good and is a wellness practitioner at New York's premier healing center Maha Rose. She can be found at sandysitron.com

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