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Life Cycle Cost Assessments for Military Transatmospheric Vehicles

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1998-01-07
  • Publisher: RAND Corporation
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List Price: $13.00


The authors find that in the long term, an air-launched military TAV would be more cost effective than a small expendable launch vehicle such as Pegasus.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. iii
Figuresp. vii
Tablesp. ix
Summaryp. xi
Acknowledgmentsp. xix
Glossaryp. xxi
Report Outlinep. 1
Introductionp. 3
Research Objectivesp. 3
Caveatsp. 3
Military TAVs--Why Now?p. 5
TAV and RLV Needs and Conceptsp. 7
Military TAV Needsp. 7
Military Missionsp. 7
Alternatives to Military TAVsp. 8
Military Mission Effectiveness Trade Studiesp. 8
Potential Military Multimission Capabilityp. 10
Commercial and Civil RLV Goals and Motivationsp. 10
Military TAV Technology Requiredp. 11
Structures, Aerodynamics, and Engine Designsp. 12
Propellant Mix and Fuel Handlingp. 12
Thermal Protection Systems (TPS)p. 12
Flexibility and Operabilityp. 12
Overview of RLV and TAV Conceptsp. 13
Candidate Military TAV Design Conceptsp. 13
Military TAV Cost Assessmentsp. 17
Ground Rules and Assumptionsp. 17
RDTandE Cost Assessmentsp. 19
Cost Model Evaluations and Advantages of TRANSCOSTp. 19
Technology Readiness Levels and Risk Assessment Adjustmentsp. 23
Cost Estimating Cross Checksp. 24
RDTandE Cost Resultsp. 25
Overall LCC Assessmentsp. 26
LCC Methodologyp. 26
LCC Affordability Assessments Resultsp. 26
LCC Affordability Observationsp. 28
Observationsp. 30
Summary of Cost Assessmentsp. 30
Potential Implementation Strategiesp. 31
Initial Military TAV Affordability Assessmentp. 33
Rand Military TAV Cost Model Sample Output Reportp. 40
Bibliographyp. 45
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.

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