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A Life on Paper

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-06-01
  • Publisher: Small Beer Pr
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The celebrated career of Georges-Olivier Chacirc;teaureynaud is well known to readers of French literature. This comprehensive collection-the first to be translated into English-introduces a distinct and dynamic voice to the Anglophone world. In many ways, Chacirc;teaureynaud is Francers"s own Kurt Vonnegut, and his stories are as familiar as they are fantastic.A Life on Paper presents characters who struggle to communicate across the boundaries of the living and the dead, the past and the present, the real and the more-than-real. A young husband struggles with self-doubt and an ungainly set of angel wings in "Icarus Saved from the Skies," even as his wife encourages him to embrace his transformation. In the title story, a fatherrs"s obsession with his daughter leads him to keep her life captured in 93,284 unchanging photographs. While Chacirc;teaureynaudrs"s stories examine the diffidence and cruelty we are sometimes capable of, they also highlight the humanity in the strangest of us and our deep appreciation for the mysterious.Georges-Olivier Chacirc;teaureynaud is the author of eight novels and almost one hundred short stories, and he is a recipient of the prestigious Prix Renaudot and the Bourse Goncourt de la nouvelle. His work has been translated into twelve languages.Edward Gauvin has published Chacirc;teaureynaudrs"s work in AGNI Online , Conjunctions , Words Without Borders , The Cafeacute; Irreal , and The Brooklyn Rail . The recipient of a residency from the Banff International Literary Translation Centre, he translates graphic novels for Tokyopop, First Second Books, and Archaia Studios Press.

Author Biography

Georges-Olivier Chateaureynaud is the author of nine novels and over one hundred short stories, and he is a recipient of the prestigious Prix Renaudot, the Prix Goncourt de la nouvelle, and the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire. His work has been translated into fourteen languages. Born in Paris in 1947, Grasset published Chateaureynaud's first collection, Lefou dans la chaloupe, in 1973. In 1983 and 1990, Chateaureynaud was a representative of the Foreign Services Ministry to Quebec and then to Greece. An Officier des Arts et Lettres of France, he is currently the editorial director of foreign literature at Editions Dumerchez. In 2006, he was made a Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur.
Edward Gauvin has published Chateaureynaud's work in Conjunctions, Harvard Review, AGNI Online, Words Without Borders, Joyland, F&SF, Postscripts, Epiphany, and The Brooklyn Rail, among others. A graduate of the Iowa Workshop, he has received fellowships from the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) and the Clarion Foundation and residencies from Ledig House and the Banff International Literary Translation Centre. His translations have also appeared in Subtropics, Tin House, Silk Road, Two Lines, and Absinthe. He translates graphic novels for Tokyopop, First Second, and Archaia Studios Press.

Table of Contents

Forewordp. i
A Citizen Speaksp. 1
A Life on Paperp. 3
Come Out, Come Outp. 7
Icarus Saved from the Skiesp. 11
The Only Mortalp. 17
The Peacocksp. 29
Unlivablep. 35
A Room on the Abyssp. 43
The Gulf of the Yearsp. 53
The Dolceola Playerp. 67
The Pestp. 77
Delaunay the Brokerp. 87
The Excursionp. 99
La Têtep. 107
The Styxp. 115
The Beautiful Coalwomanp. 125
A City of Museumsp. 139
The Guardicci Masterpiecep. 147
Écorchevillep. 163
Sweet Streetp. 177
The Bronze Schoolboyp. 191
The Pavilion and the Lindenp. 213
Another Storyp. 217
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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